Am I the only one not looking forward to Festivale?


🌜 from Lunasoleil 🌞
Jun 24, 2013
Blue Christmas Stocking
Blue Train Engine
Sleek Train Car
Cute Train Car
Floral Train Car
Yellow Caboose
Crystal Tree
Lost Star Fragment 004.MB
Froggy Snowman
I don't dislike the event so much as I dislike Pave himself. He was so annoying in nl. Especially once you got where you only needed a couple items that he refused to give up and you had to keep talking to him and listening to his dialog over and over and over. I was literally smacking him with my net out of sheer frustration. Also I have watched the update video a few times and I really hope the decorative items in the video are not the items/diys we are getting cause I really don't like them. I would rather the items from nl.
i never did events in NL because i literally couldn't be bothered and i don't care for pave tbh but because i'm doing every event in NH i kinda have to go back for it

it's annoying though because i'd have to TT back to do the event which will most likely take 10 minutes then TT forward so my island will be in cherry-blossom season to find a bunch of bugs in all my houses 😑
I hated festival in NL. I hated the music, the furniture, Pave.

Cant say I’m thrilled to see pretty much exactly the same event just 8 years on.

I was hoping that this update would bring some much needed fixes and content to the game. Instead we got an 8yr old, one day event.
i genuinely think festivale is my least favourite AC holiday, so i'm pretty meh over this whole update. i was hoping for more even though i had my expectations low because i can't stand pave and i think the whole song and dance is super boring. i'm sad we have to catch feathers too, because that makes a boring event even more tedious in my eyes! hopefully something good will come in march alongside mario to make up for it :)
I can't say anything about past games, because I haven't played them, but I am pretty neutral about this Festivale event. Nothing to sit on the edge of your seat for though lol.
I really do like Pave from what I have seen of him though. He seems fun and different and I think they did a great job creating him and his movements.
I hated festival in NL. I hated the music, the furniture, Pave.

Cant say I’m thrilled to see pretty much exactly the same event just 8 years on.

I was hoping that this update would bring some much needed fixes and content to the game. Instead we got an 8yr old, one day event.
good lord i forgot about the annoying music!
I'm actually looking forward to this one as my first time experiencing this event, the drums I've seen look really cool, oh and the maracas!!! Im just glad we're getting more items that look tropical for being on a island. I'm sure there's gotta be something secret like the expanded storage from the last update hopefully.
I am actually looking forward to this event because this will be first of many events since I didn't experienced in new leaf at college because I was totally focused on college and pokemon mainly... I can't wait to experience that!! So excited!!
I'm looking forward to it. I just started playing AC last May and I haven't met Pave yet. I think his dance moves are cute. I'm just bummed that it doesn't seem like we players will be getting any dance moves. I would like some dance moves for birthday parties with villagers and also this Pave dance move.
As someone who'd never played any other AC games, this is all new to me.

And despite me disliking the furniture items we saw in the trailer, at least there's something new for me to do.
I mean, I barely pick up the game anymore because of the lack of content and this will give me an incentive to play again and get the new stuff.
I'm actually really looking forward to it. the only other time I experienced it was in New Leaf, and that had to be years ago because I haven't properly played NL for a while. also it's been a very quiet month, so just having something new to do is great.
and the furniture looks great, and I can imagine there are several colour customisations too.
I will still play the event, but the Festivale was always one of the holidays I least anticipated. They made Bunny day unbearable in this game though by making it a week long.
I guess I'm the only human on earth who loves festivale. It's actually my favorite event in the series. I love catching the feathers and the new furniture looks dope. Oh and the dance emotes too.

I'm not saying I wasn't disappointed that there wasn't more events other than festivale, but I'm not gonna slander the good name of festivale. I personally love it.
I'm looking forward to the dance reactions. I've only done the event once in New Leaf, and don't remember it much aside from the confetti. The event is still about 2 weeks away, so we got a while yet. I hope we see the new reactions before then.

What I'm actually looking forward to the most is the new data for data miners to sift through. I'm hoping they find some juicy new secrets.