Am I the only one not looking forward to Festivale?

even though i am disappointed in this update i am excited for festivale! ive never played festivale in older games (because i havent had them) so im excited to at least see what its about. i really like pave's design and the dance emotes excite me
It marks the Brazilian festival and is part of the Mardi Gras tradition celebrated in lots of parts of the world. I love Samba music and find it sad that so many people seem to have such strong feelings of annoyance towards it. I love the diversity of events in AC and the fact that there is something for lots (not all) of cultures. It feels inclusive. Just my two pence (cents)!
I’m excited for the furniture/Diys. They look pretty and somewhat boho to me. I just hope that the items aren’t as difficult to get as the ACNL ones. Come to think if it, I never did get that bookcase.
No more DIYS!

It's an endless scroll of crap as it is.

Make them regular items!!!!!!!
It marks the Brazilian festival and is part of the Mardi Gras tradition celebrated in lots of parts of the world. I love Samba music and find it sad that so many people seem to have such strong feelings of annoyance towards it. I love the diversity of events in AC and the fact that there is something for lots (not all) of cultures. It feels inclusive. Just my two pence (cents)!
I actually like samba (it took me some long years to finally like it, but there's a lot of subtypes of samba, so...), and I always liked to watch the samba schools every year, but the event in the game... It's kinda bland, imo.

But I agree with you in one thing, and I'm actually incredibly happy for one decision they've made in NH, and that's to be more culturally diverse. It's not a game that catters only to US/EU/JP anymore. And it's also good that you can get items from all the cultural events/regional holidays no matter where you are. Region locking those items in NL was, imo, one of the most stupid decisions they could make in a social game like this. The fact that they fixed that error in NH is something that shows a lot of progress.
I guess I'm the only human on earth who loves festivale. It's actually my favorite event in the series. I love catching the feathers and the new furniture looks dope. Oh and the dance emotes too.

I'm not saying I wasn't disappointed that there wasn't more events other than festivale, but I'm not gonna slander the good name of festivale. I personally love it.
Festivale was always my favorite too! I am surprised that it is generally hated.

I was really excited for it before I saw the announcement trailer. Now, not very much. I think the decorations could have been so fun and colorful. I am disappointed by the aesthetic they went for. The designs look overworked and the colors don't pop.
i actually don't mind the event. i wouldn't say it's my favorite or anything, but i enjoyed partaking in the acnl version of the event. i do wish we had the old pave furniture, but i'll participate this year nonetheless.
This has been the most disappointing trailer so far. I don't really care for this event. Never have. Never will.
I was disappointed in the update announcement to be sure but I'm going to try not to have too many prejudgements about the event itself. I've never done Festivale before so I'm not sure what to expect. I am hoping it'll be fun but something tells me I'm not going to enjoy it. I just hope to be spared from the balloon farming this time. If I have to do that, forget about it. The items I think were really cute, they just don't match the theme of either of my islands so I don't see myself using them much.
It's not a game that catters only to US/EU/JP anymore.
I agree I love the new diversity
but I just wanted to say it never catered to the EU either lol, we got barely any items
I'd say it was US, Japan and Korea
This is much better
and I love Festivale
I think it's an ok event, but I don't really have much connection to it since it's the Animal Crossing version of Mardi Gra and that's a holiday that isn't even celebrated in my country that I'm aware of. At least Toy Day and Turkey Day are holidays I know and actually celebrate (though Turkey Day is in the wrong month for me the idea is similar enough).

The furniture looks neat though.
The event itself isn't terrible. I'm just incredibly disappointed that that's really kind of what this update is all about. So there is nothing else going on to keep players interested between New Year's and Festivale. I've finally hit the point where I'm bored with the season. My island has been decorated for a while, there are no projects I want to do. I was really hoping for some added gameplay, like more games with villagers such as hide-and-seek. Making plans to go to one another's houses. And after this, I'm just getting myself ready for the March update to be nothing more than some Mario themed items.
I'm looking forward to it. I already have plans for the new items, and hunting down feathers will give me something new to do. It was a bit of a pain in previous games, but Horizons events so far have been extremely easy.
I haven’t really been exited for events since October. I have skipped all. Maybe I’ll do them one day. Too too little time and trailers don’t look amazing.
This means gathering more materials (feathers) taking up more space to perform a loathsome (to me) task - crafting. :(
I agree the holiday events have become a little repetitive, but I do love Pave and new items are always exciting to me. If you want to feel your soul be restored, look up Etce's reaction on YouTube. He's a precious, wholesome bun and he will help you get excited.
It's my first Festivale so I'm looking forward to see how it is. I also like that it's one of the only holidays not related to the Northern Hemisphere culture, so even if it's bland, it stands for something and being from Latin America myself, I think that's cool. I also think that Nintendo focusing on holiday related updates takes something from the excitement for the day itself, as people have many expectations for any update and when it's not what they wanted, well... It gets discredited. I really wanted a bigger update too, but I'm loosing hope on that