Am I the only one who wishes we could turn off the background music?

Some days I love the music and some days I just want to enjoy all the amazing sounds they put into this game that they are drowning out with the BG tracks. I really wish they would let me control it.
Actually I've noticed that it decreases the music volume the higher elevation you are at. My house is at a level 3 elevation and I notice the music gets louder as I descend.
If you were desperate, you could make the whole island a mountain. :cautious:
While I do like the NH soundtrack, though not nearly as much as NL's, I think it should be an option to shut off the music. When I'm playing at night, I rarely hear balloons because they're so much lower. I could just go handheld mode and use headphones, but I often don't like to.
I was just thinking about this last night. Why is it so loud?? I’d like to enjoy the crunchy leaves as I walk around and the sound of the river without blaring background music.
Now, I need to pay attention to the 2:00 PM music. I enjoy time traveling to day time when I am doing island work but I don't like the daytime music as much. I like the nighttime music a lot more but can't always see well enough to do tasks. Also, like others have said, it can be hard to hear present balloons or other necessary sounds over the background music. It would be great if Nintendo would make all this more customizable to make the game more accessible.
I prefer quiet, and would rather hear the wind/balloons/ocean etc than the music. I am not against it, but it would be nice to have the option to change the volume or mute it completely.
It would be a cool feature to have, but like I said in another topic, my monitor doesn't have speakers, so I hear nothing unless I use headphones. 🙆‍♂️
i wouldn't like NO music, but i do get annoyed by the NH music sometimes. if only we had the option to play the hourly music from other games
Personally, I've never had a problem hearing any of the other sounds.
In fact, the wishing of the balloons is actually what annoys me more at this point because it always distracts me from my island work!
But I understand why some are frustrated, seeing as it is a lot louder than in previous games.
I would like the option to decide which hourly music I hear while playing, some of the music is definitely grating on my ears
I agree! I'd love to have that feature too and was a little surprised they don't have it in this game. Sometimes I mute it and play other music but then there's a risk of missing shooting stars if it's night time.
Thankfully I like all of the music except the 2:00 PM music. I will actually run into a building as quickly as I can to escape it, or just shut the game off completely to avoid it lol
For me, it's the 5:00 PM music. Just seems so bizarre to me for some reason.

I really like the music of the game overall! I don't really have any issues with hearing sound effects, so I guess I'm lucky in that regard. But I do think that it should be an option to turn it off or have a volume slider for people who think it's too loud.
Some of the songs are just so annoying after hearing them so many times lol I wish if we had a jukebox playing music or something like that, it'd play through the entire island.
I'd love some kind of way to listen to something else, or switch it off. I like the idea of our Nook phones getting a music player app. The music really does get annoying after hearing it on repeat for hundreds of hours total. I have over 400 hours and considered starting to play it on mute but then remembered I want to hear balloons.

And whyyyyy did they have to make 2pm the way it is? I know it's popular to hate on it but I genuinely disliked this tune since the beginning and I still actively avoid playing at that time. Of all the themes they could come up with, they make an obnoxious high pitched squealing thing? Why Nintendoooooo
I don’t mind the background music and wouldn’t want to turn it off completely, but I do wish there was a way to adjust the volume to one’s liking. I do like some hourly music better than others for sure though.
I would love it if the background music didn't play when I was near a speaker. It's really grating when you hear both of them at the same time. I really love the 5am music because I don't hear it as often and it's relativity quiet compare to the other music.
I don't mind the music but having the option to turn it off would be nice.

I'm particularly prone to earworms which can range anywhere from being a mild annoyance to keeping me up at night and one of the things that sets it off is listening to the same song over and over.

I mostly play around 2 PM and I don't like that track and I definitely don't like having it stuck in my head for days on end.​