• The Bell Tree Fair 2024's closing ceremony is finally here! Event results, TBTer drawings, collectible reveal, quiz answers, art, stories, raffles, and more. You can find the six-part thread in the Bulletin Board! Thank you, everyone, for making our TBT birthday celebration so special!

Am I the only one?

I know how you feel. Just last night I decided to demolish my town to start a new one. I'm still cycling through the beginning over and over to get a map I like, blarg. :p

It's like your mansion and public works projects are the slowest, most boring rpg bosses ever, and you're there for hours picking away at their health bar with a toothpick. o_______o

Brave choice! Let me know if you need help with anything. I'm in a helpful mood today!

Haha! I've never thought of it like that before until now.
I'm in the same boat. I got the game on release day, and played it nearly every day since then. But this past week, I kept forgetting to play, and just never found the urge to go back.

I also had the usual routine. Dig fossils, check on flowers, check the shops, sell any things I picked up along the way... Done.

Last night though, I started playing again, and found that my few days of a hiatus actually made me miss the game, and want to play more. Today, I'm already looking forward to playing more. So maybe you should just take a break from playing for a little while, and then you'll feel like playing again when you go back?

Also, why not try doing something new? I really want to get more achievement badges, so I'm going to start working on doing those. I'd also really like to redecorate my house.
Multiplayer feature, make use of it...
Play island tours together with your closest friends.
Bells isn't everything in this game.

The most effective way is: Don't play too much!
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Well it's good to know that I'm not the only one. I was beginning to feel like I was just wanting to hate the game, if that makes any sense.

Harvest Moon is actually a game I haven't even played once in my life before, so it's a very tempting idea there. ;)
Honestly, the only games I'm waiting for that I probably seriously never get tired of are Pokemon X & Y and Zelda A Link Between Two worlds, but they're still pretty far off in the future. :(

I suppose I am either going to stop playing the game for a while (like I said, I'll play Dream Team or something), or just visit the island more often to make friends and rack up some beetles or something.
We'll see how long that lasts before I start whining again. -_-
I've started to feel the same way a little. I've had the game since the release day and I've played on it almost every day since then. I think if there were more events and holidays going on that would help, but since not much is happening lately we'll have to wait for the holiday season. I'm sure after the holidays start and the seasons change there'll be a lot to do then.

I mostly get on the game now to visit other people's towns and meet new people on the island. I've also been trying to collect rare furniture, and that's managed to entertain me for awhile now. I've met several people on the island that have became friends with me, and sometimes we'll get on animal crossing just to talk about funny experiences, and, if they're from another country, it's sometimes fun to compare and talk about our different cultures. Before school started, I would sometimes spend hours talking with my new friends about nothing other than school starting, TV shows, and our country's stereotypes. XD