• Come and see the official gallery showcasing all of your creative entries from The Bell Tree Fair 2024. In addition, the winners for the final raffles have been drawn! Click here for the event's final closing announcement.

Amazed by gift from wishy

i havent played during a meteor shower yet! and i didnt know you got spotlight stuff! So, do you just press the a button when you see one like in wild world (or was that city folk)? sorry, I could look it up but im lazy and ill forget all about it until im bored at work again tomorrow night. Youre lucky with the throne, I want one.

You can't have anything in your hands and you have to be looking at the sky (press up on the D pad) so you can't be moving around, just stand still. I usually am facing away, so when the shooting star comes by and you press the A button, you turn around, place your hands together and bow. If done correctly, the shooting star lights up even brighter. You can wish on several stars in the same night, but will only get 1 gift from Wishy in the mail the next day. The meteor shower is always announced on the board outside of the train station the day of the shower.
Excellent! Congrats. Apparently, according to Wishy, my deepest wish was for a... deluxe washing machine! Who figured? =}
Ahh, that's cool... I can't remember everything I've ever gotten from Wishy, but most of it was crap, haha... The only thing I remember was a hi-fi stereo.