American Girl dolls


Senior Member
Nov 25, 2017
Daisy Easter Egg
Jingle Christmas Doll
Winter Mittens
Silver Mailbox
Does anybody else here collect American Girl dolls? I have been collecting for three years. My collection started off with one doll and a couple of outfits and it slowly grew to 17 dolls and tons of clothing and accessories. The dolls have all been with me through some very tough times and even though I've had people tell me it's weird, I still really enjoy it.


That doll is my first custom project.
Those little eyes scare the **** out of me so no. sry
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When I was 11 I really really wanted an American Girl Doll, and when my grandma sent my mom my birthday check I begged and begged to spend it on a cute redhead with freckles and green eyes, just like me! Well when I get turned twelve we moved into a super haunted house and uh... Yeah, that doll went out with the Goodwill that year, super quick... Mostly because she wouldn't stay where I put her. And I don't really like that quality in a doll. Now I can't look at them without getting freaked out. I enjoy buying items for them as the furniture and miniature items are sized well fort BJDs. XD
I collected them when I was younger, but have since stopped. I have to admit though, although I haven't used/ played with them in years, I also can't seem to part with them, haha c:
I really like some of their accessories and things, but the dolls themselves are not my thing. The pudgy cheeks make me think about baby dolls.

I've got BJDs though. They're a similar size height-wise to American Girl dolls, but the proportions are pretty different so you can't use the same clothes or shoes. The American Girl doll face pudgy-ness makes the doll look between 2-5 years old to me. My BJDs mostly look like teenagers or adults.
I remember when i was like 8 my grandma and mom got me the one named Kit cause she looked like me? i still have it just because theyre kinda expensive