One question, is the villager Amiibo still being made in Canada? I really want the villager Amiibo, and I obviously do not want to pay crazy prices on EBay. I know there was a restock in Japan a while ago, but is there any recent restocks in Canada?
It would be awesome to get a Villager Amiibo without having to pay ridiculous prices. Then again, probably the only way to get them would be to be at the store when it opens or to preorder it.
Funny story, recently my mom and my mom's friend went to New York. They happened to stop by Nintendo World. My friend is currently collecting Amiibo. So our mom's went into the store and asked if they had any more Amiibo (he was currently looking for any Splatoon Amiibo). They said they had a new shipment, and after around 20 minutes they came back with a Ness Amiibo. I'm pretty sure Ness is rare, but now my friend has one. When my mom came back and I started freaking out she's like "Dang, I didn't know you liked those sorry!" And she said I may get some soon

. She seems to be a fan of them so this may be a new collection xD. First I need to get all the common ones.
Well, here is my Amiibo collection:
....That's it. I got Pikachu from Christmas. Soon I'm hoping to get Yoshi from the Mario series, Luigi from the Mario series, Silver Mario, Sonic and Link. (These are ones I can find xD)
Here's my friend's Amiibo collection, if your curious.
-Bowser (Mario Series)
-Yoshi (Mario Series)
And I don't remember the rest xD. But he's collecting them, based on what he can find in stores.