I just feel I can fully appreciate them more out of the box.
But then they will come alive and start punching us, kicking us, and using their tiny amiibo powers on us D:
I just feel I can fully appreciate them more out of the box.
Is camping even necessary for Dark Pit? I've heard there are some stores with over 50.
Anyhow, Dark Pit already received over here so I don't need to do such a thing.
I probably will just get him through Amazon even if I have to pay a little bit of extra cash for him c.c.. I am too lazy to wait in line for hours on end for just Dark Pitt XD..
Hey just a quick question do people still pay for amiibo boxes cause I am in the process of moving and was planning on taking my amiibo out of the box. Will people buy just the empty boxes of amiibo's if I take them out of their box.
I am curious to what amiibo are going to be confirmed as store exclusive amiibo for America for September.
Here ya go.Just call me when/if Best Buy decides to actually put some online.
You got one too i guess? You deserve one T-T
welcome dank pit