An idea for a subforum

+1 for an Anime subforum. We have a LOT of Anime fans in here, and a subforum to discuss Anime would be like paradise for a lot of us here. Not literally, but you get the gist. It has a high discussion value as well.

I'll add on more to it later when I'm on a Desktop.
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inb4 koreaboos invade it.

tbh i don't think it's needed, there are very few music threads other than the occasional kpop one and Bowie's reviews, so...
Yeah I don't see a music subforum doing to hot solo, but I could possibly see a Media subforum doing okay. Don't see a reason for needing either though.
Excuse me while I go prepare my finest collection of Bowie tracks for when the staff do the right thing and make this happen.
Excuse me while I go prepare my finest collection of Bowie tracks for when the staff do the right thing and make this happen.

Considering how long it took for the Pokemon Center and the Cellar, I hope you don't mind those tracks getting dusty.