An Island Called Astro. ⭐

Island/Town Name
Native Fruit
Native Flower


| Tired Geek |
Oct 26, 2015
New Horizons Token
January Birthstone (Garnet)
Red Pansy
White Pansy
Yellow Pansy
Pear (Fruit)
Orange (Fruit)
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I'm not the best when it comes to introductions, even when beginning to document the events, development, and general happenings on my island. But yes, welcome one and all to an island called Astro!

Astro is named in part with paying homage to my New Leaf town, Space (because I have a fascination with, well, space and the universe and such). Although, ironically, the island does not have a space theme about it, nor does it have any other major theme- I just sort of roll with whatever looks and feels good.


Note* My Dream Address is in dire need of updating, so what you may see while dreaming does not reflect what Astro currently looks like.



My villagers are:
Antonio, Bill, Bunnie, Chow, Filbert, Julian, Purrl, Reneigh, Skye, and Vesta.

Everyone but Julian and Skye are dreamies. Though I have grown to love them both, I have my heart set on Kiki and Marshal to complete the island population; and besides, Filbert fulfills the role of being the blue animal on Astro!



I am currently overhauling approximately half of the island due to wanting my "residential areas" to feel less uniform in contrast to how neat my "commercial area" is; I also want to utilize the empty spaces more effectively and give them a better purpose (mostly because I want an excuse to run off paths when it snows during the winter). Terraforming also feels less daunting now than when I first unlocked it, it's a lot of trial and error when it comes to curving my rivers and rounding off my cliffs but so far I think I'm doing an ok job with things.

It's a long process, I'm focusing on one area at a time for things- I'm getting ahead of myself starting to flesh out the zen style area for Bill and Chow before properly finishing up Antonio and Vesta's little area.


Before I sign off, I feel obligated to share why I decided to start this little journal thread thing.

Animal Crossing has helped me through, basically, the entire year so far. And very recently have I hit a really bad patch with depression so being able to lose myself in the game, whether it be continuing my island overhaul or determinedly trying to get villager pictures or preparing for Halloween or what have you, has helped me keep grounded immensely.

Honestly, I think this game has partly been my saving grace, and I want to share more of my experience.


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Met the funky lads early this morning. Honestly was a surprise to see Pascal again as I rarely go diving in the ocean, think I should do that more.



Poor Gullivarr got left on read!

Later on in the evening, not only did I decide to relocate Bill's house to it's final location, but I had a meteor shower and encountered Celeste! She gave me the recipe for the Libra Scales. I would've loved to have opened my island to let some people in to talk to her or wish on stars but I need to renew my Nintendo online subscription, eventually though!



Filbert, pal, that's not how it works.

I was also treated to the adorable sight of Vesta listening to Purrl sing outside of Resident Services. My heart melted. I love them so much!


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It's been a while, mostly due to feeling under the weather, but never-the-less I still persevered on perhaps my most tough terraforming on the island yet!

I decided to tackle the idea of where I want to place Bunnie and Reneigh. Right now it's a very rough layout as I want them on separate layers but close to one another (as done with the rest of my villagers). But the space I have is kind of difficult to work with, especially when I'm trying to plan out where I can build two inclines to reach them both. Theoretically, it could work, but my brain keeps telling me that with two inclines so near each other, it'll feel cramped.

So it's been a case of trial and error, and I've relented to the fact that their area will only be accessed via one way only, much like the area where Filbert and Skye are.


A current WIP of the area.


And here it is on my map.

And when I wasn't terraforming on the island, I was chilling around. Although that mostly consisted of running after everyone so I could gift them a pumpkin. So far, no one has given me their villager photo yet. :(


Nothing like hanging out with my son, while my daughter does yoga behind us, and my other son looks on.


Celebrated Antonio's birthday on the 20th! Of course, I had to dress to the nines. :D



Vesta appreciating art... and crying.

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