Ancient world ideas wanted!


Senior Member
May 10, 2020
Red Christmas Stocking
Holiday Candy Cane 2021
Tin Robot
Eerie Star Potion
White Lily
Holiday Candy Cane 2020
Christmas Candy
Orange (Fruit)
Tasty Cake
Hello friends,
I'm using my second profile to create an ancient world style island with lots of water and trees.
Right now I have a tiny marketplace, a tucked away village, and a mini forest. I'd like to create a palace as well in the back of the island nestled next to the beach.
I need some more ideas, what do you all think?
you could section your island into different places from around the world and could connect them to mythology too like- ancient Egypt, ancient Greece, ancient Mesoamerica (Maya), Atlantis, and Camelot. Or you could choose two of those like Atlantis and Camelot and have half of your island be forest-y and the other half a large body of water with islands.
I recommend Sterling, Knox, Rex, Tucker, Clay, Avery, Coco, Julian, Ankha, Spike, Vic, Phoebe Drago and/or Erik for possible residents.

Since these are the ones most relating to fantasy or historical concepts that could fit in an ancient world.
maybe a cave or shrine area? Stonehenge / other stone-based items might be good to work with!
there are some good saharah walls that match this description (ancient wall, Mangrove wall, mossy garden wall, ruins wall, palace wall) or a lot of her floors as well. You could use the bug models that flick makes to make it seem like it has giant bug monsters. Maybe the giant mushrooms from the fall seasonal diys? the tallest weeds (stage 3) would look nice for an overgrown forest/jungle look.
Maybe a crumbling bridge somewhere? Fallen trees (I saw someone place a tree design and leaf pile next to a stump to make fallen trees soemwhere, just can't remember where).
Stone fences work well, I've used them on my island to make ruins, you can set them up to look like they used to be rooms a long time ago. The new kids tent is good in white, looks a bit like medieval tents. Spiky fence looks like barricades as well, so those are good for ancient societies and such.