Giveaway Angelcat's Storage Clearout

Hello! May I have a shellfish pochette, shell rug, and also out of curiosity: what crest doorplate color do you have?
Hello! May I have a shellfish pochette, shell rug, and also out of curiosity: what crest doorplate color do you have?

Someone just claimed the Star pochette but the other items you requested are still available.

The Crest doorplates are currently red/white and colorful, though they are customizable.
Someone just claimed the Star pochette but the other items you requested are still available.

The Crest doorplates are currently red/white and colorful, though they are customizable.

Ahhh yeah, I noticed and made an edit to my post and instead do want the shellfish pochette. Also I'll have the colorful one for the crest doorplate then if that's still available!
Ahhh yeah, I noticed and made an edit to my post and instead do want the shellfish pochette. Also I'll have the colorful one for the crest doorplate then if that's still available!

Sure! I'm waiting on another person to respond then I can bring over your items.
Heya, here are the things I'd like:
Star head
Acorn pochette
Shellfish pochette
Star pochette

Thank you so much for doing this btw :3
Sure! I'm waiting on another person to respond then I can bring over your items.

Okay sounds good! Just let me know when you're available and I'll give you my Dodo code and open my gates!
Heya, here are the things I'd like:
Star head
Acorn pochette
Shellfish pochette
Star pochette

Thank you so much for doing this btw :3

All but the Star head have been claimed sorry. 🙁 I should've been faster updating first post.

I can still reserve you the Star head.
Don't worry about it!
(Edit: I am sorry, I now get what you meant!)
I'm totally fine with 'only' getting a starhead :) thank you so much anyway!
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Lol I probably could've worded that better. I've got a couple Star heads for you. I'm taking a short break but should be back around 8 PM EDT (USA) to deliver them to you.