[n,Dec 26 2008, 11:48:45 PM]all they added was a city. It has barely anything. I dont have WW, but i have AC GC. GC was way better than CF, other than we can wifi in CF, and there are some minor improvements. In GC doing tasks for your neighbors was the way to make money, not by orchards, or anything. The only real way to interact with them is by mail, and events. Other than that, occasionaly, they ask to buy something from you, play a game with you, or ask for you to get something, or ask for your opinion on something. Also, they change their catch phrases n stuff. But its nothing compared to the GC version. The only improvement here, is that they change how their house looks based on what they get from you, and what you get from them. THere are minor improvements... but not much differed