Can I trade Ed, and Alice for Kidd and Teddy from series 2?
Can I also trade Nate and Axel from series 1 for Prince and Pecan from series 2?
New to the whole trading thing... but I'd love to trade 222 Miranda for your 347 Tammy~!
Noticed you have 100 Walker Would you want to trade 090 Axel for your 100 Walker? (Husband did NOT buy Walker XD)
Sorry I need to update my list, I already have a trade arranged for Axel. Do you have any other cards on my list?
;~; darn! And No I got these cards for a late birthday gift.
Aww sorry about that :/ I'll make sure to keep you in mind though. Right now I'm trying to complete my collection and after that I need sell and get rid of my duplicates.
Hi, would you be interested in trading your Lolly, Pecan, and Bruce for my Chrissy, Miranda and Curly?