Animal Crossing Clock and Calculator

thekillingdog said:
vampiricrogue said:
i have no clue if it hit Europe or the UK yet...
Well if you actually bothered to read some of the earlier posts, you might have seen it was not announced in the UK yet.
I did read them, i was saying i personally wouldn't know because I don't live there. It is only a nice gesture to say it directly from the threat creator then being lazy and not even attempting to answer. THAT makes people feel ignored.

No thanks.
Master Crash said:
Hub12 said:
Master Crash said:
Hub12 said:
Master Crash said:
Quoting limited to 5 levels deep
It's okay.......You can make town tunes with the clock and set an alarm.......

Calculator is meh. But it goes up to a high number....And it can compare lengths,age,etc.
The calculator, seems, meh, but i was thinking about getting the clock.
Clock is better than the Calc. in my opinion.

Mebbe get both? xP Just kidding. But get the clock first....
How much would you use the clock tho?
I use the clock all the time, considering I am sick, I am not awake long enough to play many games, so I leave the clock on all the time to know the time since I dont have a clock in my room. I got the wii and my laptop, but that would require me getting up.
I have it.. it kind of was a rip off though cuz all it was a clock and a town theme which i can just play the game to get
i always use the calucator cus i always bring my DSi to school (in my bag) and i always forget to bring one so i have that and i like the clock to, its so kool.
im'a post my clock tune here, which im'a change it to my AC:CF tune right after this.

Classic Grandfather Clock:


Took about 3 days to make it.

I'll make a youtube clip of the sound, if i can.