Animal Crossing Couples?

This one might seem strange, but I saw Lionel and Diana together the other day and I immediately knew it was meant to be hehe~
Lionel is sort of a cool, dapper chap, while Diana's a graceful beauty. I can see him becoming super shy and blush-y around her ♥u♥
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I ship Rosie and Kid Cat so hard

Side note: I plot reset their houses next to each other c:
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egh i dont really like pairing fictional characters in a childrens game.. BUT IMA DO IT cause ive recently been thinking how cute it would be if

Butch and Cookie
Drago and Gayle (houses are next to e/o in my town haha)
Muffy and Pietro
Whitney and wolfgang
Diana and Bruce
oh and bluebear and poncho
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Tom and Purrl

They're both kitties that live right next to each other and they would make an adorable couple <3
My choices are:

Rosie the peppy cat and Kyle the smug wolf. Their houses were very close in my first town XD

Tex the smug penguin and Aurora the baby penguin. So cute!

Tia the teacup elephant and Big Top the superhero elephant! Aah, I miss him a lot :(

Bob the lazy cat and Goldie the dog. Dogs and cats can be friends too! :)
My boyfriend and I both ship Bob and Punchy together and that's most definitely my AC OTP.

Though in one of my old towns that I long since reset I had Poncho, and as soon as Tammy moved in he asked me to deliver something to her because he was too shy. D'awwwww.
Beau and Diana *heart eye emoji* they're just so flipping cute together, ugh. I had them in my first town and they always were secretly talking about each other and all that jazz, even other lil villagers caught onto them!
Not really a couple but Kidd has unrequited love for Agnes. x3
He called her sweeter than fried ice cream and she stomped around for five minutes afterward.
I kind of ship Lucky and Coco together, something about them both being cute but slightly creepy/unsettling. I intend on having their houses placed close together.
I ship marshal with fang in my town,
because they plotted by each other- and they both always ask about each other / gossip. ♡
I also ship wolfgang and Whitney because of similar reasons. :)
and now Skye and chief are being all cute and friendly.
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- Bluebear and Kody, they were always by each other.
- Erik and Deirdre
- Skye and Fang
Stitches and Marshal used to be a ship. They always talked about eachother. But during a conversation they had a fight.
Goldie has the biggest crush on Cherry in my town ohmygod.