You have to understand that after a year and a half, I really thought there would be more content added. This game to me just feels like an outside designer simulator. It's like they took the premise of Happy Home Designer, but expanded to the outside without the features to move/rotate furniture in the click and drag mode.
I wouldn't had bought the game on launch day If have known what I know now. I remember thinking to myself that I wished I had waited on buying this game and or experiencing it until January 2021. When the end of 2020 rolled in, this game wasn't as far as I thought it would had been for update progression. Almost everything feels the same and not much has really evolved or changed, therefore it just feels too repetitive.
With all due respect you can like the game great for what it is and thats fine I have no problem with that, but for me I am just tired of hoping for more. I have a right to be disappointed, because AC has always been a wacky life simulator game that took on many forms. It wasn't just a designing simulator/game. And Nintendo/the NH crew didn't pitch it with that angle during the reveals/trailers.
I've heard the response time and time to 'give it time', 'be patient', and 'hold your final judgement of the game until---' but I feel like after a year and a half, you should be able to judge the game. Sure maybe the game will have some amazing/game changing updates later on, but the now is just as important as the then.
And the now is not wowing me. I hate to sound negative, but its how I feel. Before you say anything I did play other games to pass the time and even when I come back to this game it still doesn't impress me. Just understand I am not hating on this game just being real honest about how I feel at the moment.