Animal Crossing E3

It would be nice if we get a big update with E3. Even if they just say what to expect for the rest of the year. Trying not to get my hopes up. It would be nice if they let us know if Brewster or tortimers island will ever come back. I will still enjoy NH but if we don’t at least get some information on future updates I think the rest of the updates will just be small updates. Focusing on events that are already in game and maybe a few new items.
I hope that there are mini 3ds games that save progress like oras and xy or new leaf etc.

P.S. I've played acnh
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Offtopic but if u have an empty slot in the legends studio u can buy other legends cars lol
Just like this EB220


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I’m more optimistic that we will see a larger update at E3. This has been the longest gap between updates, and it just feels like they are holding something back for E3. It was roughly this time last year that the big diving/Luna update came out, and now would be the perfect time for significant content to drop as interest plateaus. This is one of Nintendo’s top titles, and I just don’t see them walking away from it just yet without another major update.
I am not expecting so much and quite frankly I doubt that they will show a big update at E3. Its probably going to be a small update with new seasonal items and nothing really special. Don't mean to sound like a Debbie Downer, but at this point after we've waited so long its really getting to the point where I am just fed up of getting my hopes up.
Experience from past Nintendo E3s taught me the best way to avoid disappointment is to not set any expectations.. lol

Jokes aside, i'm not really expecting any major updates to the game to be honest. I think this game is on its life cycle management phase, basically not a whole lot of resources/funding from Nintendo will be allocated to it vs other games that are still preparing for launch. I anticipate they will continue to push out regular updates throughout time, but i'd be really surprised if there are anything significant coming up (at least not on E3)
We know that there should be an update coming up in order to activate the Fireworks event on August, but other than that, there is no reason to expect anything, much less something game-changing, at E3. I personally think a Zelda item drop similar to the 1.8 update would be the best case scenario but it can also be as simple as adding some new seasonal items, activate Fireworks and wait for the activation of Halloween event on September.

The game is as complete as any other game and Nintendo is pretty happy with the results as it has had a big positive impact on the company. I don't think there are many key financial reasons to pour huge resources into the game, but anything extra added on top of a quality game would be a great surprise.
I would love nothing more than something big Animal Crossing related to get announced at E3 but I don't really see it happening. Most likely if anything, we will get a short segment of upcoming events, some maybe new, but I doubt we will get any major additions to the game or any other new game. Maybe Brewster will finally make an appearance?
You have to understand that after a year and a half, I really thought there would be more content added. This game to me just feels like an outside designer simulator. It's like they took the premise of Happy Home Designer, but expanded to the outside without the features to move/rotate furniture in the click and drag mode.

I wouldn't had bought the game on launch day If have known what I know now. I remember thinking to myself that I wished I had waited on buying this game and or experiencing it until January 2021. When the end of 2020 rolled in, this game wasn't as far as I thought it would had been for update progression. Almost everything feels the same and not much has really evolved or changed, therefore it just feels too repetitive.

With all due respect you can like the game great for what it is and thats fine I have no problem with that, but for me I am just tired of hoping for more. I have a right to be disappointed, because AC has always been a wacky life simulator game that took on many forms. It wasn't just a designing simulator/game. And Nintendo/the NH crew didn't pitch it with that angle during the reveals/trailers.

I've heard the response time and time to 'give it time', 'be patient', and 'hold your final judgement of the game until---' but I feel like after a year and a half, you should be able to judge the game. Sure maybe the game will have some amazing/game changing updates later on, but the now is just as important as the then.

And the now is not wowing me. I hate to sound negative, but its how I feel. Before you say anything I did play other games to pass the time and even when I come back to this game it still doesn't impress me. Just understand I am not hating on this game just being real honest about how I feel at the moment.

He is just replying to the thread’s topic. I know you aren’t happy with the game. I think the game is anything but complete to me. Posting in every thread about this isn’t going to change it or change how others feel and I don’t see anything wrong with him feeling differently. Just wanted to let you know we are well aware how you feel, but try not to start fights. You’re entitled to express your opinion but you shouldn’t start arguments with people when they feel differently and since the thread is just asking about what we want to see at E3. I’m not trying to make you feel bad. Your opinions are valid, but there is a time and place.
I’m not expecting much, as you’re bound to be disappointed if you expect too much. It’s better not to have unrealistic expectations.
I'm 75% certain they will have some "big" news.
Big being the size of one of the earlier updates that brought redd or diving.

But im also not bothered if it doesn't happen as its already one of my favourite games of all time.

I do agree though that no one should pin actual emotional investment into the event.
There is no way of knowing if anything will be said, and if it is, to what extent it will be.
Its very possible we will get nothing more to the game other than the occasional item and I think people do need to make peace with that idea.
Its one of the major down sides to updates.
He is just replying to the thread’s topic. I know you aren’t happy with the game. I think the game is anything but complete to me. Posting in every thread about this isn’t going to change it or change how others feel and I don’t see anything wrong with him feeling differently. Just wanted to let you know we are well aware how you feel, but try not to start fights. You’re entitled to express your opinion but you shouldn’t start arguments with people when they feel differently and since the thread is just asking about what we want to see at E3. I’m not trying to make you feel bad. Your opinions are valid, but there is a time and place.
I am only being honest because the moment when someone tries to hope for what they want and they don't get it. I see the arguments all the day. "Oh stop asking for Brewster he's never going to return" and then "Oh well if you really don't like the game then why do you talk?" Just realize that if I didn't have to worry so much of what people think I always feel the need to defend myself just in case there is people trying to shame me just because I have a different perspective. In no ways that I am hating or trying to change others opinions don't misunderstand that.

The problem I have is that many people on this site don't seem to understand the difference between having an actual valid opinion and then having to be attacked by others who simply don't agree with you. Its a hurtful feeling. That is one of the reasons why I haven't been talking or expressing how I really feel because the moment I do that I know whats going to happen.
I am only being honest because the moment when someone tries to hope for what they want and they don't get it. I see the arguments all the day. "Oh stop asking for Brewster he's never going to return" and then "Oh well if you really don't like the game then why do you talk?" Just realize that if I didn't have to worry so much of what people think I always feel the need to defend myself just in case there is people trying to shame me just because I have a different perspective. In no ways that I am hating or trying to change others opinions don't misunderstand that.

The problem I have is that many people on this site don't seem to understand the difference between having an actual valid opinion and then having to be attacked by others who simply don't agree with you. Its a hurtful feeling. That is one of the reasons why I haven't been talking or expressing how I really feel because the moment I do that I know whats going to happen.

I get that. I do remember the thread that you are talking about and I did not like that as well. I do think it is great to share your opinions, but I think it is more appropriate to go in length about it in a topic asking for opinions on the game rather than what you expect from E3.

Many people? I’m sorry you feel that way. :/ I personally think most people aren’t trying to attack you and they do understand, but I get that it is difficult to trust and post things without being anxious how people feel. If you want to discuss this more in a dm, I’m always happy to lend an ear.
I am only being honest because the moment when someone tries to hope for what they want and they don't get it. I see the arguments all the day. "Oh stop asking for Brewster he's never going to return" and then "Oh well if you really don't like the game then why do you talk?" Just realize that if I didn't have to worry so much of what people think I always feel the need to defend myself just in case there is people trying to shame me just because I have a different perspective. In no ways that I am hating or trying to change others opinions don't misunderstand that.

The problem I have is that many people on this site don't seem to understand the difference between having an actual valid opinion and then having to be attacked by others who simply don't agree with you. Its a hurtful feeling. That is one of the reasons why I haven't been talking or expressing how I really feel because the moment I do that I know whats going to happen.
I don’t think anyone on this site is specifically out to get you. I’ve seen tons of opposing views and opinions posted, and the most that comes from it is a mature debate. I’ve never seen a place that is more capable of having adult conversations without personally attacking or insulting someone.

I think that everyone should be allowed to express their opinion without feeling like they are going to be bashed for it. I hope for Copper and Booker to return. I know that’s very unlikely, but it’s fun to speculate how they’d be implemented in the game if they were to return.
I'm not really expecting anything.
Not to mention the team that did New Horizons is working on Splatoon 3 now.
Is it 100% the same people making Splatoon 3 or is it just like the same company?
Just wondering if it's possible for them to have multiple teams working on more than 1 project.

I genuinely have no idea how that kind of thing works.
Is it 100% the same people making Splatoon 3 or is it just like the same company?
Just wondering if it's possible for them to have multiple teams working on more than 1 project.

I genuinely have no idea how that kind of thing works.
I don't know exactly, but I just know the team that does Splatoon does Animal Crossing now.
I'm not hoping for too much because I don't want to get let down. There probably will be something mentioned in e3 but probably nothing too big. Since some of the people who made splatoon 2 also made animal crossing, maybe nothing will happen because they are focused on splatoon 3, but Nintendo is unpredictable, so point is, don't get those hopes too high, expect something, but nothing game changing like qol updates
I'm a gambling man, I want to hope and be optimistic for a big update come E3. If that doesn't happen, sure I'll be disappointed, but my heart was already destroyed by Pokemon, so I'll survive. The current state of the game is still decent, so I can see them leaving it as is too.