Animal Crossing Game Idea(s)


Senior Member
Mar 21, 2010
I have some ideas if Nintendo ever decides to polish up animal crossing or make a new game completely. Tell me your thoughts/opinions.

"A penny for your thoughts and a dollar for your insights."

- the ability to choose your characters skin color... i don't know about you but i don't like walking down to the beach and standing there for over an hour to change my characters skin color

- the ability for people to actually getting around faster in their towns without killing all the poor flowers (don't you dare tell me "well you could always walk ya know", no i don't know, and personally walking around like a crippled slug isn't the way i like to travel in animal crossing)

- bigger house! ok the last house expansions cool n all, but bigger is better, no but seriously that would be pretty freaking sweet!

- bring back those NES games that we could have on the game cube animal crossing! those were pretty awesome! oh and put some new ones in too! could we actually get the virtual pikachu those animals were bragging about in game cube...???

- CARS!!! wouldn't it be awesome if we could have cars in animal crossing?? hm... maybe they didn't put them in the game in fear that one of your neighbors would get ran over... shucks.

- pets. can you imagine this?... ** hey has anyone seen lobo today? nah... **everyone turns heads** "hi guys..." .. well hi there lobo... why do you have a collar around your neck? ** leans down to read license** "precious" **bursts out laughing** AHAHAHAHHA!

thats all i have right now.. please excuse me if i have spelling or grammerical errors im currently under a ebergy drink/sugar/lack of slepp hangover :)

please leave your whatever in the place below. yeah. goodnight! :)