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Animal Crossing Moms?

Not a mom myself, but my Mother has played Animal Crossing with my siblings and I since it came out in the GameCube. To this day my mom still plays ACNL, and she purchased HHD with me and my sister, but she has yet to try it. My mom doesn't get to use the forums since she's a bit busy, but you may see me on here from time to time buying things for my mom's ACNL. I like to get her favorite things from previous games and even her favorite villagers. I love when parents can enjoy things with their kids. <3

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Also, I love your signature, aleshapie. It's super cute!
My mom tried playing CF back when we first got it and she didn't really like it. :(

If I get married and have kids one day, I will sure be the mom to show this to my child/children.
Mom here. I play as often as I can manage to keep my sanity :) which isn't a lot, haha. Mostly ACNL, not as into HHD. I have a 1.5 year old and 2.5 year old daughters :)
I'd just like to point out that, just because someone is a mother, doesn't make it "cute" when they play video games... I've been a video gamer for over 30 years... I'm 34 and not at all "mum-like"... I do have two bad@ss little monsters age 11 & 8... I also have blue hair, tats, piercings and hardcore gaming skills...

I'm proud to be a mother, but I'm certainly not "cute" and I was a gamer looooong before I was a Mom. haha!
I'm proud to be a mother, but I'm certainly not "cute" and I was a gamer looooong before I was a Mom. haha!

my dad used to play Wizard101 with me... i have fond memories of those days we would battle side by side and have fun... now that he has a new wife he doesnt have the time.... :(
Same here! I am a mom who plays with two sons (13 & 11) and a daughter (5) who I help out. ;) Oh and my mom plays CF. haha
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Aw, that's awesome. I try to get my son to sit on my lap and watch me play, but he's only 1 year old and just wants to keep moving. Maybe in a couple of years
I play ACNL with my 7 year old daughter. She likes me to visit her town so she can show me how its getting along. Last time I visited she had built a lot more pwps and Marshal had moved in. I try to help her if I can, but she really enjoys playing AC. I have a copy of HHD and she watches me play sometimes. I think she prefers the amiibo cards over the game, so I don't have to buy a second copy just yet.
I'm a mom of 4 girls And we all Love ACNL and ACHHD:) I play most often with my youngest daughter, she's 10 and has Downs Syndrome !! This game has been amazing for her. At first we shared my town and we built her a house and she gradually learned how to use each tool and to travel around town and up to Main Street. She recently got her own game for her Birthday and we moved her to her own town. What an amazing wonder BOTH ACHHD and ACNL have been to stimulate and encourage my little girl to want to read, to stay focused on an activity, to work ambidextrously with her ds, to simulate social interactions and to take a train ride to visit Mom all by herself !!! One of my older girls bought me both ACHHD and ACNL on Black Friday and said she knew I would just love Animal Crossing games (she also felt I needed to stop riding around Red Dead Redemption and get out of the Saloons) Little did they know (or me) that I would become one of ACNL's biggest fans !! I have met some great new friends and can't wait to meet some more :)

This is, btw, an awesome thread !!!
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I'm not a mom, but I think it is really nice/cute for those of you who get to play with their mothers! Moms are the best.
I'm a mom to a fiery 2 year old daughter.
She loves watching me play Animal Crossing, especially when I walk past the fruit trees as she enjoys shouting out the names of the fruits. It's pretty cute.
I'm a mom to a fiery 2 year old daughter.
She loves watching me play Animal Crossing, especially when I walk past the fruit trees as she enjoys shouting out the names of the fruits. It's pretty cute.

Please don't pay any attention to my thumbs down thingy over in the corner !!! I was trying to give this a like or thumbs up and it said down and I can't seem to take it back :( I think it's great your little girls likes to call out the fruits !! That would keep me playing just to hear her !!!
Please don't pay any attention to my thumbs down thingy over in the corner !!! I was trying to give this a like or thumbs up and it said down and I can't seem to take it back :( I think it's great your little girls likes to call out the fruits !! That would keep me playing just to hear her !!!

It's alright! :)
and yes, it's so sweet. It's really funny when I run past the trees and she tries to call them out just as fast haha.

I loved reading about your experiences of playing AC with your daughters, especially with how much it has helped your youngest.
I wish my mom played animal crossing tbh, but she played my game once and said it was fun so c:
I'm a mom of 4 girls And we all Love ACNL and ACHHD:) I play most often with my youngest daughter, she's 10 and has Downs Syndrome !! This game has been amazing for her. At first we shared my town and we built her a house and she gradually learned how to use each tool and to travel around town and up to Main Street. She recently got her own game for her Birthday and we moved her to her own town. What an amazing wonder BOTH ACHHD and ACNL have been to stimulate and encourage my little girl to want to read, to stay focused on an activity, to work ambidextrously with her ds, to simulate social interactions and to take a train ride to visit Mom all by herself !!! One of my older girls bought me both ACHHD and ACNL on Black Friday and said she knew I would just love Animal Crossing games (she also felt I needed to stop riding around Red Dead Redemption and get out of the Saloons) Little did they know (or me) that I would become one of ACNL's biggest fans !! I have met some great new friends and can't wait to meet some more :)

This is, btw, an awesome thread !!!

This is great news. My daughter has Rett Syndrome so cannot play but likes watching me play.
I didn't realise there were so many mums out there who play AC. My mum used to play CF with me and my two sisters and it was always super fun. I wish she could get into NL but she says she has no time :(
Cool, I'd love for my mom to play Animal Crossing. I'm sure she'd like it, she'd just never have the time to play it.