Animal Crossing Movie

i seen it a long time ago so i dont remember anything from it. i wish it was in english. subtitles are distracting
Mickey said:
Another Animal Crossing: The Movie topic...

Any who, yes, I've seen it. It was pretty interesting and was pretty okay. I was told that there is an English version (as in a different movie), is this true?
I don't think there are any "different" movies but I did hear that there is now an English fandub on YouTube
One of my favorite movies! I got it from a friend so it's on my computer and I can watch it anytime. Yet I didn't know what they were saying until I watched it with subtitles online
I've seen it, I thought it was good. Although I could only find the last half with spanish subtitles >_<
No, and I don't plan on watching it any time soon...
i just don't get why you would want to see a movie about ac >_<
are the games not enough?
It was a okay movie, but the part where the girl was a kid living on her own threw me off,
but I loved how similar it was to the game
I did, I watched it like halfway through then skipped to the end,

It wasnt perfect though.
Only watched 3 parts. It got annoying after that.

Seeing Tortimer with a surfboard was pretty cool though. :rofl: