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Animal Crossing New Horizons has gone 2 months without an update and we’re going into July with not only no new features or events but nothing new at


Junior Member
Jun 9, 2021
Throwback Tickets
Typically we’ve gotten an announcement before the start of the next month to announce all the new things for that month. The last update in late April only added a single item to two pre-existing events and a hand full of nook shopping items and that was it, the entire update for 2 months. Now we’re going into July without even that. I figured now would be the time for a feature addition due to the lull in events in the next couple months but I almost feel like we’ll get nothing at all. Well what do you guys think? Is an update still on its way? Is it time to give up on the game and accept there’s not going to be any meaningful updates?
I'm guessing there's likely going to be an update announced any day now. I'm also thinking it's likely there's going to be at least one really neat thing announced in it.

But I'm also not going to expect anything, because that's the fastest way to get disappointed. My current attitude is: play and enjoy the game as is, and fantasize if I feel like it about potential updates. But also don't assume, and appreciate any update as it comes. So far, I've loved the game, and loved every update!
That's what people keep saying. No updates, no hints, no nothing. At this point nobody is surprised. I'm at the point where I don't really care anymore. I'm still playing and enjoying the game anyways. I just reset, which has motivated me all over again and it's really nice.

I want to think there is a big update coming at some point, but no point in getting excited just in case it's a massive letdown. I am just going to keep playing and worry about updates when/if they happen.
I think, since the last update covered seasonal events through July, it was very much not a surprise to not have updates. The last update clearly covered through July. (No offense to those who were hoping otherwise).

I don’t have any sense that the updates are coming to an end though, and have not seen anything to suggest we should be worried.

otherwise, I know I am in the minority/ it is an unpopular opinion, but I have been very happy with the updates so far and happy with the game in general, and have played about 2000 hours without getting bored, so though I would love some more updates in the future, because updates are fun, (and my friend @Dunquixote needs a greater range of item types to fully express their great creativity), I am not feeling particularly impatient - unless the next update was going to be the ability to have more villagers, which is the one thing I would intensely want.

So basically, ditto on what @Serabee said so eloquently. It is fun to dream but the build up of expectations based only on rumor is a sure way to be disappointed.

(No offense of course, to those who are upset.)

as for Nintendo’s perceived lack of communication, from what I have heard it is nothing new for them, and they’ve been around for almost 132 years, so it seems unlikely they will change…for whatever that is worth.
I am just going to repeat what I said on a different thread. Look enough with the "hopes" and "speculations" just face the fact that Nintendo doesn't seem to care about this game. If they did care they would've said something about the future of New Horizons in a trailer, but instead they gave us small updates to existing events that we've played already and just more new seasonal items. The game is dead now, they had their chance to show what they have working on and they didn't show so why should we care if they don't care about what the fans want?

Time and time I always heard from the community "Oh just be patient" and "Oh maybe it will come soon" Its time to stop lying to yourself, this game is not going to get the update we all want to see. Nintendo is a business by the end of the day and they will make money. They will probably give an update to this game in the future but by then many people will have moved on from then. Look what happened to Super Mario Party, that game was dead after there was no Online Play and then this year 3 years later they added it in.

Nintendo is a strange company because they just do things that they think benefits them and yet they don't care what we say and what we wanted to see improve in their games. Right now I am done speculating, I am done hoping for more, and I am done with this game. I am just going to play other games. Maybe I will start caring if Nintendo actually puts out an update to make up for it, but that is just wishful thinking. Instead of wasting my time speculating I am just going to put the game down and move on.
Right, it's a company designed to make money. And a big update could sell more games, hence making them more money. It IS entirely possible that there will be a big update at some point- it's not guaranteed, but possible.

And I HATE the idea that people are somehow "lying to themselves" for keeping up a little hope and just enjoying a game as opposed to completely giving up on it. Just because I prefer not to be bitter and cynical doesn't mean I'm a naive child or anything like that. Normally I try and be more positive and non-confrontational on here, but I find that phrasing quite rude and don't appreciate it.
I think, since the last update covered seasonal events through July, it was very much not a surprise to not have updates. The last update clearly covered through July. (No offense to those who were hoping otherwise).

I don’t have any sense that the updates are coming to an end though, and have not seen anything to suggest we should be worried.

otherwise, I know I am in the minority/ it is an unpopular opinion, but I have been very happy with the updates so far and happy with the game in general, and have played about 2000 hours without getting bored, so though I would love some more updates in the future, because updates are fun, (and my friend @Dunquixote needs a greater range of item types to fully express their great creativity), I am not feeling particularly impatient - unless the next update was going to be the ability to have more villagers, which is the one thing I would intensely want.

So basically, ditto on what @Serabee said so eloquently. It is fun to dream but the build up of expectations based only on rumor is a sure way to be disappointed.

(No offense of course, to those who are upset.)

as for Nintendo’s perceived lack of communication, from what I have heard it is nothing new for them, and they’ve been around for almost 132 years, so it seems unlikely they will change…for whatever that is worth.

Ah thanks @WaileaNoRei for the tag. Don’t feel bad that you are happy with the updates and items while I’d like more. I’m a bit envious of you tbh. I know people have been able to make do with what items there are to make so much stuff. I am stubborn and want to make designs that are unique and not like the “trend” — relying heavily on simple panels (not to mention I don’t want lag when using so many items). If my computer was a gaming computer and not old, I’d definitely shift over back to the Sims 3 and just move on and play casually. I am playing more casually and stopped expecting much, but can’t help still to be minimally hopeful to be proven wrong and some of the changes I want to see happen or something that would make me say, wow now this is the game I was expecting back in May (last may 2020 when I got it).
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I can wait. I just hope that when the next update comes, something substantial comes with it. I'm probably getting my hopes up, BUT the longer they go without releasing the update = the bigger the update will probably be
Yeah ideally. If the update is taking almost 3 months then ether Nintendo is done with the game, or is working on a big update
Hoping for the second half of the Summer update to drop sometime two weeks from now. I'm still hopeful for new content, but I'm trying not to hang up on it if nothing comes out of it. I at least would like the game to get the same treatment that New Leaf got and be given a huge update years from now out of no where. In the meantime I've been enjoying other games.
It is odd... But they need to update the game for the August fireworks to work, right? So in that case I feel like we'll get something fairly soon.

I've decided to drop all expectations of something bigger coming and focus on other things for now (I do need to move and start a new job anyways lol). Whenever something major is announced, which could be soon or might be a long ways off, then I'll get excited but I won't worry about it until then. guess it helps that I never really got into ACNH anyways
I've personally gave up seeing anything worthwhile of an update whether now or later. I think they're pretty much done with the game as far as content goes. I feel like they would had already given us new buildings and the such if they were coming. Am/Was I disappointed with that? Sure. Am I bitter/cynical because of that? No.

If new content does end up coming sooner or later, that will be awesome. But I am not holding my breath and I have moved on to other hobbies and games.

NL also got the WA update 3 years after the game was out, but it had enough content before then to have something for everyone. NH is kind of behind on that department.
New content would be great but I don’t see it happening. The next update should be at the end of the month. It will unlock the fireworks for August and maybe a few seasonal items. Not expecting much else.
I do think there will be more content added beyond seasonal items eventually, but I don't know what or when. I am expecting an update of some kind before the end of the month to add the fireworks back in as others have mentioned.

Nintendo's approach with the updates has been unusual this year, but I think it's probably more complicated than it appears on the surface and there is a lot we don't know about why they chose the schedule they did, as well as future plans.
nintendo has already confirmed that there is new content in the works, we just don’t know what that content will be or when it’ll drop. i have a funny feeling that we’ll get an update announcement sometime this month, though - even if it’s only to add in this year’s fireworks shows and new seasonal items, i’m cautiously hopeful that we’ll know more about what the future holds by the end of the month. 🤞🏻
All events and seasonal items for August 2021 onwards are currently unavailable. The game needs to be updated before the very first Sunday of August, which is August 1st.

Meaning, an update should drop at the last week of July. How much content will it bring, we don't know. We just need to stay patient until then.
I think, since the last update covered seasonal events through July, it was very much not a surprise to not have updates. The last update clearly covered through July. (No offense to those who were hoping otherwise).

I don’t have any sense that the updates are coming to an end though, and have not seen anything to suggest we should be worried.

otherwise, I know I am in the minority/ it is an unpopular opinion, but I have been very happy with the updates so far and happy with the game in general, and have played about 2000 hours without getting bored, so though I would love some more updates in the future, because updates are fun, (and my friend @Dunquixote needs a greater range of item types to fully express their great creativity), I am not feeling particularly impatient - unless the next update was going to be the ability to have more villagers, which is the one thing I would intensely want.

So basically, ditto on what @Serabee said so eloquently. It is fun to dream but the build up of expectations based only on rumor is a sure way to be disappointed.

(No offense of course, to those who are upset.)

as for Nintendo’s perceived lack of communication, from what I have heard it is nothing new for them, and they’ve been around for almost 132 years, so it seems unlikely they will change…for whatever that is worth.

I also have quite enjoyed most of the updates! I don't think it's a bad thing at all to enjoy them, just because a lot of people haven't been happy with them.