Animal Crossing: New Horizons LGBT+ Friend Search

lol I forgot to put it here.... :D I will maybe delete it later, because I like privacy and stuff. Haha, I don't have any friends on switch yet so, I haven't purchased Online yet, but I'm thinking about to getting it soon since it's very cheap.


(also, should this be moved to NH online? mods?)

edit: I got Online service!
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34 M Gay, always looking for new friends to play AC with. My friends don't play sadly.
41 year old gay male. None of my friends play ACNH :(

Island: Krakoa
Native Fruit: Oranges
Trans dude here, and also hella gay! o/
Friend code is 1421-4756-1033 (I should probs put that in my sidebar), just message me a heads up if y'all need anything I guess! ^_^
24 year old bisexual woman! I don't have my switch with me right now, but I'll most definitely add you later once I do!
Well, I may be bisexual, but I'm not a member of any LGBT organizations, since they've become defunct and obsolete.
Hi! I'm a shy 43 year old gay male from the Netherlands looking to make new friends here.

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Hi, I’m 20 year old, lesbian
Feel free to add me :)
27, Gay M, definitely up for some Animal Crossing and Pokemon times with friendly and safe people <3
21 year old lesbian! I'll add anyone who sends me a friend request.

my code is SW-6736-9060-9610, and im a 16 year old nonbinary person
I’m a 24 year old bi woman, feel free to add me y’all <3

I'm leaving my island gates open for visitors for a couple of hours if you want to drop by to explore or shop or help yourself to some fruit (oranges, apples, peaches, cherries).
(Leif is here selling Azalea starts, Tea Olive starts, Cosmos seeds, Lily seeds)

I won't actively be playing the whole time but I'll be checking for new friend requests so people can get in.
Dodo Code: 4P284

There are presents near the airport by the across from the welcome sign
(If anyone would leave some pears that would be awesome)
24 year old, pansexual, genderqueer bish~

SW 7612-4727-7110
25 years old bi woman, feel free to add me!
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