Animal Crossing turns 15 this year!


Senior Member
Jan 29, 2014
In 2001 for the Nintendo 64 a game was released titled Animal Forest (どうぶつの森), which would later be enhanced and re-released on the GameCube later that year. The following year the West receives it, along with a changed name as Animal Crossing. This marks the 15th year of the franchise. I've been with it since 2002 when it was new in America, and it's come a long, long way. Going from one console to another, then to the West, then back to Japan, to handheld, back to console, to handheld again, to 2 spin-offs.

It's been a fun 14 years, so happy 15th birthday to the series, you've been a great time-waster ever since I first got you in 2002! From collecting and scanning e-reader cards, collecting NES games, and having many, MANY late-night conversations with villagers to collecting pictures trying to raise my Happy Room Academy score, to villagers talking about their HRA ratings, to shooting Pete out of the sky with the slingshot, to helping villagers find their lost keys in the river at night, to making repeated trips to Club Tortimer finding rare items, to designing specific rooms/house plots for the villagers, and even playing as them in a board game, this series is outstanding! To think about the 10's of thousands of hours I've sunk into this franchise since 2002 is just mind-blowing! I recently passed my 4,000th hour in New Leaf (combination over the multiple NA/JP versions) alone. So, happy 15th Animal Forest/Animal Crossing, may the next decade and a half be as fun as the first!
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Happy birthday AC! Lets hope people forget about HHD and amiibo Festival by the time the next main AC comes out.
The next AC game has to come out this year. Cause whenever a new AC main game comes out, we have to wait 3 years for it. Its been 3 years now.
Woop!! That is definitely not a short year! Happy anniversary Animal Crossing! Here's to a awesome games ahead!! Please make sure my grandchildren will be able to play the AC series lmao
Happy birthday, Animal Crossing! I really do hope that they release another main Animal Crossing game this year instead of spin-offs.
...Wow. I knew I was old, but this just makes me feel older :p

Obligatory happy dance for the Animal Crossing series though! It's brought a lot of people countless hours of joy (and frustration, haha)