Animal Crossing Villager Elimination Game [2] - Winner Announced!

Sorry PunchyDaHufflepuff, there's a 30 minute wait minimum between posts. :(

Give Filbert
Hit Sprinkle

Bruce - 25
Caroline - 25
Filbert - 50
June - 40
Sprinkle - 15
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How can you say that about a cute little squirrel? :(

Give Filbert
Hit June

Bruce - 40
Caroline - 30
Filbert - 50
June - 35
Sorry I don't get the game I thought I did it right butnsbove me it's completely different....
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In the first part of the game, villagers were removed one by one from the list in the first post until it got down to ten villagers. At ten villagers, we started a hurt/heal game between them where you can take five points from one villager and give five points to another (starting on page 41 if you'd like to see how it goes from the beginning). When a villager reaches zero, they're eliminated; right now we're at the final four, so if you'd like to join in, all you have to do is transfer five points from one villager to another and specify who you're giving to/taking from.
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