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Animalia Chronicles Day 486: Looking over a four-leaf clover


Senior Member
Jan 1, 2014
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June Birthstone (Pearl)
Orange (Fruit)
Pear (Fruit)
Time for some more Animalia randomness!

I exited my house today greeted by sunshine and Pete. He had a letter from Nintendo, saying the newsprint helmet is going to be available as a DLC here soon. I was actually able to catalog it from one of my friends' towns, so I don't really need it, but it's nice to know they're releasing all this previously Japan-only stuff in the U.S. now. Speaking of mail, my box was jammed with it: I had one from Gulliver (he'd sent a mummy casket from Egypt), two from my villagers, and one from my mom with a lucky clover attached! I put it on today, just so I could have some good luck for a while.

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I headed off around town to dig up my fossils and gyroids, water a few flowers (even though my Beautiful Town ordinance is in effect now, I still want to breed a few hybrids), and talk to any villagers I saw. Joan was in town this morning, and even though I had very little luck with turnips last week, I still bought 200 from her this week at 91 Bells apiece. Apollo wanted some new furniture for his house, so I made sure to remember to check the stores later. I saw Rosie by the town hall, and she wanted to come visit me sometime after 11AM. I was leaving for a few errands soon, so I set a time for after 2PM, and she agreed to it.

After heading off to do a few things, I came back to the game around 1:30. I still had time before Rosie came by, so I headed off to chat with a few more villagers. Eugene wanted fruit, and I headed to the nearest tree to shake him down a pear. He enjoyed it, and gave me a lotus tee as thanks. Up on the bulletin board, it was posted that the Beautiful Town ordinance was now in effect. Oddly though, I found two weeds today, but I'm not complaining: anything to get me that much closer to the silver Weeding badge. Back by his house, I saw Apollo again, and he pinged me, asking me what I thought of him. I told him he was super nice, but not too nice (I had to let him think he's still a big, tough guy, after all). He seemed satisfied by this answer, and gave this little rebuff.

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He's such a big softie. :p

I headed down to Re-Tail to put my turnips out in front of the shop and sell my first batch of findings, but found Astrid by the playground first. She asked me to catch an oarfish for her, telling me they were "fairly common". Fairly common, my foot...it'd take me forever to catch one! I had to decline her request, unfortunately, but she didn't seem to be all that upset. After selling my items and depositing my turnips, I saw Savannah was home, so I headed to her house. She had a gift she wanted me to deliver to Astrid, and I agreed to help her out. But first, it was getting close to 2 o'clock, so I headed back to my house and sat down to wait for Rosie. It wasn't long before she arrived, and wasted little time complimenting my house.

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I gave her the grand tour of my house for like the 50th time, and she saw herself out after seeing all my rooms. Back outside, I saw Lolly was in her house, and she wanted me to catch her a river fish, and I agreed to. It didn't take me long to find her a goldfish, which I took back to her. As thanks, she gave me a mop. Is this a thinly-veiled reference to Moppy? I didn't head back into Lolly's house to see if she'd put her fish out, but I hope she got rid of that silly butterfly on her table. A little fishbowl would look so much better. Astrid pinged me later, and gave me an A tee out of her generosity. I handed over the gift from Savannah, which turned out to be a pastel-dot wall she had ordered. She was happy to receive it, and gave me a fresh tee as thanks. It wasn't really my style, so I made sure to sell it later.

I headed up to Main Street, where I bought my daily fertilizer, as well as a No. 1 shirt and a pastel-dot skirt for my catalog. I didn't find anything that would look good in Apollo's place, so after having Blathers assess my fossils and depositing some extra bells, I headed back down below the tracks again. Rosie pinged me on my east bridge, wanting to buy my No. 1 shirt. She only offered 31 Bells, so I unfortunately had to decline, even if I do think she's #1. Later on, I decided to put my lucky clovers in my house. I love how it shows up as a little book, and I decided to put it by my fireplace in my back room. I do like the implication that someone might be reading by the fire, but mostly I just put it there because I didn't have any room anywhere else! :blush:

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Back outside, I found Mira, and she wanted to sell me a dynamic painting. I declined, since I already had one in my museum. She surprised me by knocking the price down a good deal from her original offer, but I still had to decline. I have enough stuff cluttering up my selling area already, thank you very much! When I talked to Mira again, she gave me a mochi pestle for free, which I was grateful for. The mochi pestle came up again later when I found Rosie by the playground--she wanted to trade the pestle for her red-bar shirt. I agreed, partly to please her, and partly because I wanted to see if I could start a chain. Unfortunately, no one wanted the red-bar shirt...

The last villager I had yet to see was Eugene, who was in his house. He asked me to catch him an orchid mantis, which I knew would probably take a pretty long time, but I accepted the challenge anyway. After about 5 minutes of searching my town's white flowers, I finally found an orchid mantis, which I took back to Eugene. He was thankful, and gave me a large magazine rack as a reward.

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So apparently, the only way he'll remember my favor is if he writes about it in a blog...

Not much else happened; Savannah did give me a tin shirt and Walker gave me a pink velvet stool, but that was about it. Today was pretty eventful, even with no flowers to water, which I love. I'll be back tomorrow with hopefully, more stuff!


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Ooh, "totes". Rosie, need to stop saying that.

I like your library area. What wallpaper are you using? I like the way that drape goes behind your fireplace.
Haha, it was Savannah who originally said it. I think she may have heard it from Rosie, honestly. xD

Thanks! And the wallpaper is the sleek wall. I tried the library wall for a while, but it looked off for some reason, so I reverted back.
Lolly has said it once or twice; it sounds like something a Normal would say.

Oh, thanks! I'm putting together the Sleek series for Jett, but I haven't seen the wall yet. Yeah, the library wall is a bit too busy for my taste.
Wow, congrats on that lucky clover! :eek: I didn't know they could be sent from mom. The more you know!

Aww, I love Apollo. He's been one of my personal favorites since Wild World. (*´・v・) He seems tough, but he sure does have a big heart! ♥

I love where you placed the clover with the book too. It gives that room a really good look! c:
Yeah, Lolly does say 'totes' sometimes, but she always apologizes afterwards. d:

Huh...maybe the weeds came up last night, before the ordinance went in effect after midnight? Hopefully that's not a glitch. x)