villager not teaching reaction?


taylor swift enthusiast
Mar 17, 2018
The Bell Tree World Championship 2021 Patch
hey hey, so for the past couple months i’ve been constantly interacting with whitney in hopes to A. get our friendship up but also B. receive the last reaction i need, which is the love reaction.

i’ve tried so much, and i’m not sure if this is either a glitch or if she is just so damn stubborn because she will not give it to me at ALL. i’ve been constantly speaking to her, giving her high value gifts for more points, fulfilling tasks—you name it. i’ve also taken advantage of friendship luck + blessings from katrina, and i’m at the point where whitney and i are best friends so i can’t receive blessings anymore. the love reaction is a best friend reaction from a snooty, and i’ve met literally all the criteria, so i’m really not sure what’s taking her so long to teach it to me. hell, she even gave me her PHOTO today, which is like the highest your friendship rating can get!! but still no reaction 🥲

has anyone else had experience with this? i really hope it’s not some glitch and i doubt it is but my patience is starting to run low and i’m running out of fossils to give LOL
From what you described, Whitney will, unfortunately, teach you the love reaction on a completely random day. It’s like this with all the personalities when you max out friendships, just like with villager photos. Yes, you may have maxed out your friendship with her and stuff, but the final reaction will simply come at random.

The best piece of advice I can give you is to play the game at different time intervals (i.e. play for an hour in the morning and another hour in the evening), and find out if she is wondering outside. If she isn’t, then you’ll have to try again at a different time. I would not recommend trying to get the reaction when K.K. is visiting, as villagers can occasionally sit on the stools for long periods of time and can only be talked to. Just have a bit of patience — I tend to get taught random reactions if I don’t focus much of my attention on said villager for a little while but still have “friendship credit,” if that makes sense.