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Animalia Chronicles Day 552: Al the cheater


Senior Member
Jan 1, 2014
Throwback Tickets
Tasty Cake
Winter Mittens
Happy Home Designer Token
Easter Egg
Yellow Candy
June Birthstone (Pearl)
Orange (Fruit)
Pear (Fruit)
Good evening, friends. It's time once again for a taste of life in my town.

When I emerged from my house today, it was raining again. But I didn't let the day dampen my spirits...I put on a new outfit and headed out to greet the soggy day.

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My mail today consisted of a letter from Punchy with a flame shirt attached, and one from the post office informing me of my accrued interest. I also saw the two letters I'd saved in my inventory from Apollo and Mira, informing me of their birthdays on July 4th and July 6th, respectively. I should try to find something good for both of them pretty soon.

Heading next door, I saw that Walker was home. He had a gift that should have went to Punchy, so I agreed to deliver it to him. Once I got there, Punchy told me to guess the contents of the package, and I'd win it. As usual, I guessed clothing, and as usual, it was correct. Punchy let me have the denim jacket as thanks. Outside, I found Astrid, who gave me an eight lamp for helping her get over her cold. Upon speaking to her again, she wanted to trade the denim jacket Punchy had given me for her crossing shirt. I figured what the heck, and agreed. Up by her house, Rosie told me she planned on moving on the 6th, but I quickly put a stop to her plans. She wanted me to catch her an arowana, but I sadly had to decline since they're so rare. Up on the bulletin board, I saw that the rainy season is finally coming to an end soon, which is great. I was starting to get bummed out by all this rain...

Eugene wanted to play hide and seek, and I gladly took him up on his offer (but I wouldn't have if I knew what was going to happen). I had 10 minutes to find Eugene, Rosie and Al. Simple enough, right? I found Eugene pretty quickly, hiding behind Mira's house. After that, I hit a wall. I literally couldn't find either Rosie or Al for a good five minutes. I eventually thought to check the beach, and I found Rosie hiding behind a palm tree, but that still left Al! I searched high and low for the dumb shmuck, but couldn't find him anywhere! As the seconds ticked away, I was getting utterly desperate, and I actually considered turning the game off so I wouldn't lose. I figured Rosie might not ping me again if I did, so I kept on searching. Sadly, I ran out of time...this marked the first time I've ever lost a game of hide and seek. )':

I expected to be transported back to the plaza, but that didn't happen. I kept looking around, and lo and behold, there was Al. Right behind the tree next to Savannah's house. Which I swear to God, I checked like five times. I have only one explanation to this: HE'S A DIRTY CHEATER!!! :mad::mad::mad::mad:

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I was then teleported back to the plaza, and was sad not to get a reward. But even more so, I was angry. Seriously, I was legitimately pissed. I must have hit Al about 45340 times with my net. He griped and moaned about how he thought we were friends. Yeah, well you thought wrong. There is no place in town for a cheater like you, Al.

I had to find a way to vent my anger, so I headed to the town hall to speak to Isabelle. I told her to reset Al's catchphrase, make him change his clothes, and make him stop showing his letter. I plan to make his life as miserable as possible from here on out. I'm not even talking to him anymore. As far as I'm concerned, Al is officially dead to me.

After I turned the game off a while (seriously, I couldn't play! I was so mad!) I came back later in the evening. I decided to sell some fruit, and one of my perfect cherry trees had died. In the mix was a rotten cherry, which I thought was a perfect gift to send Al... I wrote him a letter telling him how much I wanted him to move, and enclosed the delicious gift that reflects my opinion of him so very well.:lemon:

By the east bridge, Savannah and Punchy were talking. Punchy was asking Savannah if reading was really fun, and she emphatically said it was, citing some names of her favorite books. Punchy said the titles made his brain hurt, and Savannah mentioned "food books". I immediately knew where this was going.

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Savannah lamented about Punchy's "poor, poor coloring books". I was thoroughly disgusted. Remind me never to get him anything other than food or stuff used to prepare food for his birthday...

Lastly, Apollo wanted me to get him some fruit, so I headed to the nearest tree and grabbed him a pear. He loved it, and gave me a kiddie bookcase as thanks. I was very careful to hide any cookbooks it contained from Punchy. :rolleyes:

And that does it for today! Will we ever get any sunshine in Animalia? Will Punchy learn that books are for reading, not eating? Will Al ever learn that the only way to end his suffering is to move?! Hopefully at least some of those questions will be answered tomorrow!


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