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Animalia Chronicles Days 475 & 476: The consequences of negligence


Senior Member
Jan 1, 2014
Throwback Tickets
Tasty Cake
Winter Mittens
Happy Home Designer Token
Easter Egg
Yellow Candy
June Birthstone (Pearl)
Orange (Fruit)
Pear (Fruit)
Sorry about yesterday, as I didn't feel very well and only played a little while in the morning. Still, a few things did happen, which I will indeed lump with what went on today.

I didn't get started yesterday until the afternoon, and set to work watering my flowers. Astrid pinged me, and I was thinking 'really?' But thankfully, she just wanted a new greeting. If she was going to ask to move again, I swear... I gave her the new greeting of "hop to it", her being a kangaroo and everything. At Re-Tail, Reese was buying turnips for a whopping 459 bells apiece, and I quickly sold all I had to make a cool 137,700 bells!

However, that was pretty much all I got done yesterday, as I headed out to get some pain meds and rest, and didn't come back to the game. As a result, I forgot to water the majority of my flowers and dig up any fossils yesterday... :(

So when I started up the game today, I was greeted by a huge amount of wilted flowers and unearthed fossils and gyroids. I knew I had my work cut out for me, and after silently cursing that Weeding Day can't come fast enough, I set off. Walker asked for a new piece of furniture to replace the alpine dresser in his house, but since I think it looks so nice in his room, I didn't find him anything. Al was out walking around, and he pinged me. Moving day, perhaps? Nope. He asked me at what age you start being a grown-up. To mess with him, I told him 10 years old. He then gushed about how he was already a grown-up, and could eat all the shrimp gumbo he wanted. Whatever you say, Al...just don't come crying to me if you get a wicked case of heartburn later.

I found Lolly by my lighthouse, and she had something she wanted delivered to Apollo. I was happy to help her out, and set off in search of the cranky eagle. On the way, I stopped in to see Rosie, and she asked if I wanted to buy a water cooler for 2,640 bells. I already had one in my kitchen, so I declined. She then offered it to me for free! Thanks, Rosie! Mira told me she ate a rotten peach yesterday, and wanted a fresh one today to get the taste out of her mouth. Doesn't she ever brush her teeth? Regardless, I grabbed her one from one of the town's peach trees, and she loved it so much she started shouting. As thanks, she gave me a backyard pool. Continuing over to Apollo's place, I fortunately found him home, and headed in to give him his gift. He said it was something he asked Lolly to pick up...to give to me! I opened up my new watermelon tee. Not really my style, but it's the thought that counts, so thanks, Apollo.

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Once that was done, I decided to change out of my yellow outfit into something different, so I stopped at the train station and settled on my blue cap and blue letter jacket. Back outside, Eugene pinged me, wanting to change his catchphrase. Since he'd picked up Lolly's "bonbon", I was too happy to change it for him, switching it back to the standard "yeah buddy". I previously had him saying "ayyy", like the Fonz off "Happy Days", but that got kinda old after a while, so...yeah. I saw that we had a camper today, and I went into the tent to find Ricky the squirrel. To each their own, but I don't really care for him. Nice unibrow, though.

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Up by my fenced-in carnations area, I found that I had bred a new pink carnation! That almost made up for all the watering I had to do today...almost. Unfortunately, none of my black roses had wilted, so no new golden roses. My money rock today was an ore rock, and it gave me all rubies and silver nuggets today; no gold. My fake rock was also a ruby! Punchy pinged me by the town tree, telling me about a bad dream he had where I saved him. As thanks for that, he gave me a dapper shirt. Later on, Lolly wanted to buy the dapper shirt off me, but since I didn't want her to change out of her vest or mess up her house with it, I unfortunately had to tell her no. Sorry, Lolly! I saw Astrid by my east bridge and stopped to talk with her, and she wanted me to visit her place. I wasn't in any hurry to do anything, so I agreed, and we made the long walk back to her place. Once inside, I saw that she had put a spare big-dot tee in her room! But which one is Eugene's? :confused:

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In all fairness, I really like Astrid's house layout. The little living room/kitchenette at the back, plus the baby area for her joey, is just adorable. I talked to her, and she offered to sell me something, but the only thing I was interested in buying was the Mama panda on her table...that belongs in the baby's area, IMO! Unfortunately, she wouldn't part with it, so I sat down to watch a few soap operas on her TV for a few seconds, then headed out the door. I told her that her place looked great, which she took kind of the wrong way, I think. You don't have to make this place look any better, Astrid: it's already nearly perfect! Just get rid of that teddy bear in place of, maybe, a microwave or something? :rolleyes:

OK, as promised, the announcement I said I'd be making today. I'm coming up on Day 500 of my time in Animalia soon, and to mark the occasion, I have decided it's finally time to put a police station in my town! I haven't put on in yet because A) I couldn't decide on whether I wanted the classic or modern one (I have since decided I want modern, as it fits with my town better I think), and B) I just couldn't decide where I wanted to put it! That's where you guys come in: I'll be posting pics of potential areas where I might like to put in my police station, and after hearing feedback on each, I'll decide on where I want to put it. Also, feel free to visit my dream town as well to get an idea on possible police station areas. I will take each suggestion into consideration, and make a decision by Day 500.

Until then, everyone have a nice day, and I'll be back soon with more. :)


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Yay! That should be an exciting development. I'd love to help you pick a spot. :)

I think Astrid's house is adorable also. I thought the teddy on the table could kind of make sense...I mean, if you have a baby, is anything EVER in its proper place? xD
I'm sorry you haven't been feeling well. I hope you're better soon.

Meep! Ricky is the male version of Hazel! The unibrow is spreading!

Astrid's house is about the most perfect villager home I've seen. I know what you mean about the Mama panda (if it were in my house, I'd put it in front of the crib or next to the door), but like Beth said, nothing is ever perfectly in place when a baby is involved.

Ooh, that's a big decision for your town. I'll be looking forward to pics and maybe I can get myself somewhere to a WiFi connection so I can actually dream the town. I'd love to help you choose, as well. :)
Congratulations on almost 500 days! That's a big accomplishment. I'm a resetting person, so even six months is a huge milestone for me ; o ;

We'll definitely help you out with the police station too! I'm looking forward to pictures (´∀`)