animated avatar question


Jul 17, 2015
Spring Sakura
Spring Sakura
Spring Sakura
Spring Sakura
Spring Sakura
Spring Sakura
Zipper Sakura
Zipper Sakura
Zipper Sakura
Spring Sakura
im trying to use this as my icon, but it won't let me?? it's 100x100 size and it's telling me "Remote file is too large."
It might mean that the KB of your file is too big. I don't really know the limits of KB on this site but there might be a limitation.
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sorry if im dumb but what's kb? ;-;

Basically KB stands for kilobyte, what that means is the larger a gif or file is, the more kilobytes it has. If it's really big, it could have MB or GB (megabytes and gigabytes). If a gif only has like let's say 10 frames, the KB size will be small. If it's over 100 or 200, it'll be huuuge and probably would end up being a megabyte.
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Basically KB stands for kilobyte, what that means is the larger a gif or file is, the more kilobytes it has. If it's really big, it could have MB or GB (megabytes and gigabytes). If a gif only has like let's say 10 frames, the KB size will be small. If it's over 100 or 200, it'll be huuuge and probably would end up being a megabyte.

oh okay! is there still a way to make that gif my icon? i just think it's really cute and agh
oh okay! is there still a way to make that gif my icon? i just think it's really cute and agh

haha probably, I mean like I said I don't know if there is a gif size limit on here but maybe if you cut out a few frames it would work?? Cause when I was reading your post originally I thought maybe your pic was just too big in general but you said it was 100x100 so :eek:
I can't seem to resize it; either my internet is too slow or it won't work.
I'll keep trying

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Never mind; got it.
One sec

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