Auction Ankha. Less than an hour left! HB: 23 M (230 TBT)

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*sheep noises*
Dec 10, 2013
100% (80) +
Ankha the snooty cat is leaving Folklore to look for grander pastures! Shirt, catchphrase are no longer original. Furniture is mostly intact, but a few pieces are missing. Fortunately, her house still fits her Egyptian theme, as she has withstood all silly impulses to get a butterfly or a cricket as a pet.


Auction details

End: 18 April 11 P.M. EST (see remaining time here)
Starting bid: 1 mil
Min increment: 200k
Buyout: Diana

Um, TBT bells are also okay, but I'm not sure what the going exchange is right now. I think 100 TBT = 10mil? Let's go with that.
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What's the appeal in original villagers anyway? Can you not change furniture, clothing or phrases when they move in from another town?
What's the appeal in original villagers anyway? Can you not change furniture, clothing or phrases when they move in from another town?

Furniture can be tricky to change. One of my beloved villagers had a giant fossil sitting right in the middle of her home that took months to replace! Of course if you really liked the villager it really wouldn't matter that much in the long run. It's all up to preference in the end.
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Bump. :)

High bid (and, uh, only bid) is Azabache with 15 TBT. Less than 12 hours remain.
May I buy her for 10 mil?

Sorry, it wouldn't be fair to everyone if I let you buy her right now :( That's a much bigger bid than the high bid right now, though, so you might want to wait until the auction is nearing the end time and just put that as your bid so there'd be a bigger chance of nabbing her.
I would bid, but I'm only available for 2 more hours.

Thanks anyway!
Bump. :)

High bid is actually BabyBianca with 20 million and 20 TBT (total value of 22 million/220 TBT).
15 minutes left. I'll be TTing Ankha to boxes. :)

- - - Post Merge - - -

Blue99i wins with her bid of 230 TBT, auction is now closed.
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