~*Wolf At Heart*~
5 million bells – What is my pet’s name?
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50 bells-what animal is your pet-do you have a bird?
for 50 bells do you have a parakeet?
yay ty so much I have had three they are lovely to haveYes I do!!congrats! I'm sending the TBT now.
This should make the name guess easier I hope.
yay ty so much I have had three they are lovely to have
Third Gardening question: Name my favorite hobby. Solving puzzles?
Fourth Unorderable Furniture question: What is my favorite Pokemon? Chandelure?
You got both of these right! Please let me know which unorderables you want and when I can give them to you. I will probably need to make two trips.Was your first 3DS game Professor Layton and the Miracle Mask? (Professor Layton is awesome!!)
Favorite color: light pink?
(Sorry if the post merge confuses but I submitted this at 3:30 I promise)
I'm available now until maybe 12 or 1 am if anyone wants to receive their items. Just PM or VM me!
- - - Post Merge - - -
New unorderables question: What is my favorite Pokemon?