yeah firefox can look like whatever you want it to, unlike IE. Honestly stop it with these threads, nobody cares about what you think about browsers. Stop thinking we do.
Themes are very ugly >_< extensions, whaa who needs 'em? IE is perfect =) it comes with computers so you don't have to download a bunch of crap either.
A bunch of crap. Otherwise known as... an installer? I guess the 'narutard' title you've given yourself really does shine through, if you take off the 'naru' prefix.
At any rate, ideally I'd prefer a reliable program that takes 3 minutes to set up and configure than a piece of trash that's ready to go from the moment you boot into Windows for the first time.
Still... I'm pretty sure these threads are jokes- I know mine is. Only complete morons would argue a case over such relatively superficial points.