Any advice to make NH more fun?


みさお ♡
May 30, 2019
I feel like I’ve run out of things to do and I need something to keep me occupied while I wait for the festival update. How do you guys stay entertained?
For me I haven't gotten all the mermaid DIYs yet so I'm diving each day.
I want to make the robot but keep using my gold on tools so I'm trying to get more gold.

There's always the classic going after villagers photos.
Maybe change up your villagers a bit if you have them.

Redesign any areas of the island youre not 100% happy with. I moved my shop 6 tiles to the left which lead to many unexpected things like the creation of a graveyard. A small task lead to 50 hours of gameplay.

Going after nookmiles. Never know when you'll need them and just getting things ticked off feels good.

Breeding for flowers.

And if you really can't find anything fun, don't force it. I've taken a couple of short breaks from the game in the past year.
Came back a few weeks later with a new drive for the game.
Have you tried visiting random dream addresses? I find that when I feel uninspired, I wonder through dreams to find new ideas for my island. You can also just explore the Dreams listed in people's signatures as well.
I thought I had all the villagers I wanted, but after some time, I realized that swapping them for new ones would be very engaging! So if you're willing to, maybe swap out your villagers to get some fresh new faces :)

I'm also breeding for blue roses and for once I think I'm on the right track.

I've also realized that rather than keeping my island the way it is for ever, I change up a few areas every now and then depending on the season.

Honestly as someone else mentioned, really don't force it; there's no reason to play a game if you're finding things stale. Maybe wait for the update and then jump back in!
I agree with all the advice given above. I’ve recently got back into island hopping/searching for villagers and have been enjoying that a lot. I have also spent a lot of time visiting dream addresses, many people on here have either posted theirs in the Dream Address thread or in their signatures which can provide you with many lovely islands to visit, or you can pick a random address as well.

At the moment if I’m not island hopping or dreaming, I’ll try and work towards the Nook Miles goal as I want to eventually complete them all. Currently I’m trying to get up to the 5000 fish and 5000 bugs accomplishment, I have still got a long way to go on them but they really pass the time.

Also I completely agree with others that if you find you’re not really getting much joy from the game at the moment then it can be good to take a break. I’ve taken breaks from it before and the time away from it has always helped me to enjoy it more when I get back to it.
Breeding for flowers.

To expand upon this, if you haven't earned every hybrid entirely from your own work yet (starting with seed bags and working your way to a blue rose and so on), it is a lot more challenging than you might think and genuinely takes about a month or two of effort, depending on your luck. I began taking the hunt for my own blue roses seriously in May, and didn't successfully breed my first one until early July.
To expand upon this, if you haven't earned every hybrid entirely from your own work yet (starting with seed bags and working your way to a blue rose and so on), it is a lot more challenging than you might think and genuinely takes about a month or two of effort, depending on your luck. I began taking the hunt for my own blue roses seriously in May, and didn't successfully breed my first one until early July.
I second this. It's been almost a year for me and I still haven't gotten one (granted I had to restart this I think I contaminated the batch lol).
I usually find something to do, and that is likely because I'm never finished. Currently reterraforming my island so that is taking a lot of time. I got a second Switch after Christmas to have an extra town to experiment with, but I usually only have enough time to focus on only 1 town at a time.

If you have room for it, maybe try making a second player and work on expanding and decorating their house
I don't know.
I guess setting goals.

It's difficult as everything that was fun in previous titles is a grind because of breaking tools.

Never had a problem with ways to have fun in NL.

I really hope nintendo takes note of what fans really think.
Make a full shop on here! Design some logos for a trading shop, maybe make a trade area in your town for pickup/drop offs and focus on selling and trading! it's really fun to trade with people on here, and it takes time.
Honestly probably just take a break. I took a break over the holidays and didn't play from Christmas until sometime after New Years. I found it a lot more enjoyable to play now after the break especially since I'm playing mostly shorter sessions.
I think it's important if you start feeling burn out to take a break, the game hasn't been out for a year yet and I've already taken a break from it.

Another thing that gets me into it is watching AC youtubers and browsing pinterest for island inspiration

open a shop on here to get rid of some stuff and possibly get new stuff

if you're uninterested in one of your villagers get them to move out and go villager hunting

work on breeding flowers or if you're not against TT you could always TT to a better season - i know that i love winter for the holidays and then as soon as the holidays are over i'm ready for sakura trees and then summer.
i agree with everyone above! if every you feel burnt out just take a break, i did that myself like on october and i just recently came back and now i'm really excited to finally finish my island, also catching up with all the events i missed so my time is still set to december atm lol! you don't have to take months of break like i did tho, just come back whenever you feel like, taking a break once in a while is sometimes all you need to enjoy the game again!
I agree with what a few others have said - the thing that has usually helped me enjoy the game again is to take a break and play another game for a while.
That's kinda what I'm doing.

I don't want to end up completely hating the game, so my wife is mostly playing both characters.

I'm not touching it until the depressing snow is gone. :)
the game has gotten a bit stale for me lately, too, and so i’ve been focusing on completing my catalog, nook mile achievements, meeting new villagers and obtaining their photos! you may have already done this but as a completionist, this is what has been most fun for me. :)
recently I've turned my focus more to the nook miles achievements to try and get some more progress made on those! it can be frustrating at times (looking at you, cast master) but for the most part it's satisfying getting this stuff done. or I'll take down one area of my island and redecorate it, or just tweak it a little. but yes like others have said, if you feel burnt out taking a break is the best thing you can do!