• The Bell Tree Fair 2024's closing ceremony is finally here! Event results, TBTer drawings, collectible reveal, quiz answers, art, stories, raffles, and more. You can find the six-part thread in the Bulletin Board! Thank you, everyone, for making our TBT birthday celebration so special!

Any kind users out there?


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Jul 27, 2013
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Ice Cream Swirl (TBT Beach Party)
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Hi everybody. Recently, I've been dreaming of making a certain kind of town, and I already have the patterns and such picked out. However...my town layout has recently been bothering me a little...and by little I mean a lot. I ended up realizing that the town I visualized is impossible with my layout.

I originally rushed into the game, not knowing about resetting for maps and such. Overtime, I began to notice that my long winding river isn't exactly perfect, and I'm not happy with a majority of the landscape.

Anyways, all of this has driven me to reset. However, in my time playing the game I obtained a lot of my dreamies, and I really wouldn't like to lose them and have to begin the search all over again. Also, I kinda wanna keep some furniture...

Basically, I'm going off on a limb here and wondering if anybody has the awesomeness to help me out and let a villager move in to there town. And, maybe pick up a few pieces of furniture? It's asking a lot, and I can only put trust in the people that take um' will hopefully give them back. Thanks so much! And sorry for the long post xD

UPDATE: I'm still debating on resetting, because visiting an unusual dream town showed me a clever way to work with a stubborn design. Anyhow, I'll probably decide tomorrow or so, because I'm also debating on whether a digital copy might be worth it.

In the end, if I choose not to reset, it was extremely kind of you all to offer your help!!! I love the TBT community for this very reason, and I'm honored to be a part of it.

For now I'll just kind of end the thread...(not actually, just figuratively xD)
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I could hold a villager for you but I do not time travel so...it might be awhile before they decide to move out.
Hey, I could also hold a villager for you. I can time travel to give that villager back to you later. I wouldn't mind holding your items as long as you come into my town and drop them yourself.
Oh wow, that would be so awesome of you guys. Once I begin the TT'ing process of getting them out, I'll contact both of you.
And sure, that sounds great (Bittermeat) I can just collect them once everything's ready to go :D
I could also hold a villager for you after Victoria moves out on 18th. (I don't TT)
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If you need someone to hold more items for you, just let me know (probably best by PM, just in case I forget to check back here). Good luck with your new town!
I'm the same as Meggiie, I could definately hold some furniture, but I don't think I'll hold a villager for you. I will have space, but I do want a space for campers and dreamies :3
I can hold some furniture for you if you'd like. :) Also, I noticed that you have Wendy on your villager list. I have her in my town as well. If you want, you can take my Wendy after you create your new town rather than wait for someone to hold your current one for you. It's up to you, though! I could also hold another villager for you. ^^