Selling ANY Orderable Item! Furniture, Rugs, Floors, Walls etc for TBT

  1. TBT Bells
How much would you charge to catalogue the entire light brown rattan set?
I’ll say 8 TBT? Is that just all items or all items in all colours?

Just all items, in the one colour.
Ah, and I said light brown, but I meant just brown. The default colour... the brown set with white accents. 8 TBT sounds good. LMK when you're ready.
Just all items, in the one colour.
Ah, and I said light brown, but I meant just brown. The default colour... the brown set with white accents. 8 TBT sounds good. LMK when you're ready.
Okay! I’ll message you when I’m ready. I just have to take my dog for a walk and do dinner
Hi! I'm looking to get:
- harmonious wall
- imperial bed blue
- imperial chest blue
- imperial shelves blue
- imperial low table blue
- imperial partition blue
- 2 imperial dining lantern blue
- imperial tile
- modern shoji screen wall
- soothing tea room wall

How much would that be for everything? ^^
Hi! I'm looking to get:
- harmonious wall
- imperial bed blue
- imperial chest blue
- imperial shelves blue
- imperial low table blue
- imperial partition blue
- 2 imperial dining lantern blue
- imperial tile
- modern shoji screen wall
- soothing tea room wall

How much would that be for everything? ^^
Ideally 20 TBT since each item is 2 TBT! :)
Edit: I was able to get the furniture from a friend, I’m sorry to take up a comment space but I can’t delete my comment...
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