Buying Any real painting


Nintendo GameCube fan
Aug 16, 2012
New Leaf Token
Winter Mittens
April Birthstone (Diamond)
Astral Inner Planet Floating Gold #10
90% (8) +
If you have a real painting you'd like to sell or give to me, I'd really appreciate it. I will repay you with an item of your choosing (I have been cataloging most of the rare items anyway...).
I have a dynamic painting that I bought even though I have it already in my museum. What's your offer?
I have an extra Scary Painting. For what I might want, look at:
I unfortunately do not have any of those items in my inventory. Maybe we could work something else out for a trade.

I have a dynamic painting that I bought even though I have it already in my museum. What's your offer?
I can offer up to an amount of bells of your choosing, as long as it doesn't exceed 150,000 bells. If you would like furniture, clothing, etc. I can check my catalog to see if I have it and then if it can be reordered or I have a spare of it, then I'll trade it for the painting.
I'm really in need of a painting as well. I'm willing to offer up to 100,000 bells and I can throw in an extra item that you may like such as a fortune cookie item or something!
I'm really in need of a painting as well. I'm willing to offer up to 100,000 bells and I can throw in an extra item that you may like such as a fortune cookie item or something!

Please start up your own thread if you would instead of taking away attention from my thread. If you have any issues with this, please bring it up with a moderator.

Bells are ok! So may I assume you offer 150k?

Can I lower it down to 100k? If so, it's a deal! Also, please trade Friend Codes with me via Private Message.
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I have one for some DLC items x it's a dupe I have of the same painting x
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Are you interested in a Real jolly painting? I posted and didn't hear back. I already have it so don't need another lol

Giuseppe Arcimboldo