Nintendo GameCube fan
If you have a real painting you'd like to sell or give to me, I'd really appreciate it. I will repay you with an item of your choosing (I have been cataloging most of the rare items anyway...).
I unfortunately do not have any of those items in my inventory. Maybe we could work something else out for a trade.I have an extra Scary Painting. For what I might want, look at: http://www.belltreeforums.com/showthread.php?71271-DiscordDave-s-Buy-Sell-Trade
I can offer up to an amount of bells of your choosing, as long as it doesn't exceed 150,000 bells. If you would like furniture, clothing, etc. I can check my catalog to see if I have it and then if it can be reordered or I have a spare of it, then I'll trade it for the painting.I have a dynamic painting that I bought even though I have it already in my museum. What's your offer?
I'm really in need of a painting as well. I'm willing to offer up to 100,000 bells and I can throw in an extra item that you may like such as a fortune cookie item or something!
Bells are ok! So may I assume you offer 150k?
I have an extra Scary Painting. For what I might want, look at: http://www.belltreeforums.com/showthread.php?71271-DiscordDave-s-Buy-Sell-Trade
I can order the whole regal set for your painting, will get it tomorrow.
Are you interested in a Real jolly painting? I posted and didn't hear back. I already have it so don't need another.