Any tips on how to get all cherry blossom recipes?


🌊 ocean waves 🌊
Mar 14, 2017
Spring Shamrock

I heard there were 14-20 recipes for the cherry blossoms including the one Isabelle gives you that looks like a picnic set.

Any tips on how to get all recipes during this season? I know that during the cherry blossom season, if you pop balloons (especially blue balloons for some reason) there is a 50% chance of getting a recipe.

Any other tips?

Would really appreciate any!

Thank you. :eek:
I think the only way are balloons and bottles... but noting more sadly? I got 4 DIY recipes for sakura furniture from balloons today! Not the easter balloons but the normal ones. I think it comes down to luck :)
how do you even get ONE o_O
i don't think i have 1 yet. i'm not sure.

You can get the first one from Isabelle once you upgrade resident services! The next few are a mystery to me xD

- - - Post Merge - - -

I think the only way are balloons and bottles... but noting more sadly? I got 4 DIY recipes for sakura furniture from balloons today! Not the easter balloons but the normal ones. I think it comes down to luck :)

Bottles meaning the ones that wash up on the beach... AUGH xD That'll take a while... And I see... thank you for the info! I'll pop balloons like crazy and search my beaches like crazy xD
You can get the first one from Isabelle once you upgrade resident services! The next few are a mystery to me xD

oh yes i remember that now, kinda went over my head as i didn't have the ingredients yet

whew the bottles does take a while, i want more sakura themed items asap!
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oh yes i remember that now, kinda went over my head as i didn't have the ingredients yet

whew the bottles does take a while, i want more sakura themed items asap!

Ikr.... they're sooooo pretty. Coming by the recipes feels so rare to me that I was beginning to think they were Japan locked DLC xD
I didn’t get the picnic DIY today. Isabelle only talked about Bunny Day... Does anyone know if we’ll get the picnic DIY recipe tomorrow? I’m also only shooting eastereggs from balloons, sigh...
I didn’t get the picnic DIY today. Isabelle only talked about Bunny Day... Does anyone know if we’ll get the picnic DIY recipe tomorrow? I’m also only shooting easter eggs from balloons, sigh...

As Mokuren said, you can get the cherry blossom recipes from normal balloons, not easter balloons. Also, I time skip a lot because I have no time to play the game on real time and I have no idea if it's cherry blossom season during easter but if it is, just catch the cherry blossoms, check for recipes on the beach and pop normal balloons. Hopefully you can get the recipes ;v;
I know, but if I understand correctly Isabelle gives you the DIY recipe for the picnic basket. I did not get that today. Isabelle only spoke about Bunny Day and did not give me any DIY recipe.
I know, but if I understand correctly Isabelle gives you the DIY recipe for the picnic basket. I did not get that today. Isabelle only spoke about Bunny Day and did not give me any DIY recipe.

did a villager move into your town today? someone did in my island and that announcement overrode the cherry blossom announcement i guess. i had to TT backwards to yesterday and back forwards to today to get rhe recipe
did a villager move into your town today? someone did in my island and that announcement overrode the cherry blossom announcement i guess. i had to TT backwards to yesterday and back forwards to today to get rhe recipe

Yes, Bam moved to my town today, but Isabelle did speak about Zipper being in town/the Easter activities. She did not speak about the Cherry Blossom trees at all. I guess I’ll wait to see if I get the recipe tomorrow and if not, I’ll try to TT back. :(
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Make more residents.

I have an additional 2 residents for storage space and they find a recipe on the beach every day and it's not the same recipes found on my main char. So if you have the time to make 8 chars.... that would be 8 diy recipes everyday.
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Yes, Bam moved to my town today, but Isabelle did speak about Zipper being in town. She did not speak about the Cherry Blossom trees at all. I guess I’ll wait to see if I get the recipe tomorrow and if not, I’ll try to TT back. :(

yeah no she won't tell you the recipe if someone moved in. bree moved onto my island today. its so silly. TTing back one day and forward back to today did the trick and i got the recipe. villager move in dialogue overrides it. she'll speak about zipper as well but wont speak about cherry blossoms. hopefully she gives it to you tomorrow, idk if it's locked to just the first day of april. otherwise tting back and forwards wworks
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yeah no she won't tell you the recipe if someone moved in. bree moved onto my island today. its so silly. TTing back one day and forward back to today did the trick and i got the recipe. villager move in dialogue overrides it. she'll speak about zipper as well but wont speak about cherry blossoms. hopefully she gives it to you tomorrow, idk if it's locked to just the first day of april. otherwise tting back and forwards wworks

Alright, that’s so lame! Thanks for the information!
I TT due to health issues keeping me on AC but yep regular balloons and I get more from balloons then bottles, but definitely my fave seasonal DIY <3 have about 7-8 so far : ) GL all o/
I TT due to health issues keeping me on AC but yep regular balloons and I get more from balloons then bottles, but definitely my fave seasonal DIY <3 have about 7-8 so far : ) GL all o/

Curious, but do you notice if the colour of balloon correlates to getting the recipes? c:
did a villager move into your town today? someone did in my island and that announcement overrode the cherry blossom announcement i guess. i had to TT backwards to yesterday and back forwards to today to get rhe recipe

Oh dang, I also had a villager move in today (and will be the same tomorrow and the day after), I'm not a TT player so I wonder if this means I miss out :(
Oh dang, I also had a villager move in today (and will be the same tomorrow and the day after), I'm not a TT player so I wonder if this means I miss out :(

Me neither, but I don’t want to miss out on the picnic set... :(
I didn't get the picnic set and I also had a resident moving in today, and I will get two more in the next two days lol I hope I can get it after!