Any way to prevent fossils from spawning?


Senior Member
Apr 20, 2014
I just really don't want to bother with those things anymore. Like many others, my museum has had all the fossils for months now and I'm so loaded that I have no particular need for the 20-30K I get from selling them. It's actually more of a drag to have to interact with those annoying raccoons in order to sell stuff, I'm actually more liable to dump them in the much more convenient trash that I placed next to Nook's Cranny.

I know there was a way to prevent the pitfall from spawning in New Leaf by just putting pitfall in a corner of the map which would keep a second one from spawning. Can we do something like that in New Horizons? I tried to google an answer but I couldn't find anything conclusive, any pointers would be appreciated.
Six is a lot but it’s definitely worth it to keep them from spawning at all. Thanks a bunch, y’all =D
I just really don't want to bother with those things anymore. Like many others, my museum has had all the fossils for months now and I'm so loaded that I have no particular need for the 20-30K I get from selling them. It's actually more of a drag to have to interact with those annoying raccoons in order to sell stuff, I'm actually more liable to dump them in the much more convenient trash that I placed next to Nook's Cranny.

I know there was a way to prevent the pitfall from spawning in New Leaf by just putting pitfall in a corner of the map which would keep a second one from spawning. Can we do something like that in New Horizons? I tried to google an answer but I couldn't find anything conclusive, any pointers would be appreciated.
I bury mine on the beach! I have a "dig site" on my top right beach area and I buried 7-9 fossils there and have not gotten spawns anywhere else since last summer. Its awesome
I find that useless strip of land behind cliffs to be perfect for this. I buried all mine behind the high land at the back of my island and haven't had to worry about them for months. I hide a ton of stuff back there, in fact! 🙈
I find that useless strip of land behind cliffs to be perfect for this. I buried all mine behind the high land at the back of my island and haven't had to worry about them for months. I hide a ton of stuff back there, in fact! 🙈

That’s where I literally just hid them a second ago! :O It’s behind the museum, in fact, which I felt was kinda fitting XD
There is a total of 6 fossils that spawn on your island day by day. To stop them from spawning you need to dig up all 6 fossils all over your island and then hide them by digging a hole in whatever grass or dirt you have on your island you don't use and put them there. That will stop them from spawning.