Anyone collect figures?


#1 Yuri/Dimitri Stan
Aug 28, 2015
Holiday Candy Cane 2017
Timmy Christmas Doll
Pink Hybrid Lily
New Leaf Token
White Lily
Red Lily
Holiday Candy Cane 2016
Winter Mittens
July Birthstone (Ruby)
Red Cosmos
White Cosmos
I picked up the (expensive) hobby of figure collecting figures from games i like about around 2 years ago. its a fun hobby i have but dang does it cost alot. Do any of you collect? Have any favs? i dont have any pics now but my collection is in myfigcolletion

ill post it here:

but yea i have a lot of p5 stuff as of recent. have the new neindroid on preorder as well.
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Nice collection, I love the maskless Joker. :)
I don't collect them myself, but my partner asks if they should get them once in a while.
I'm more into collecting ball-jointed dolls myself.
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yep, been collecting for 4 years. mfc profile here. there isnt really a theme to my collecting, i just collect what i love. the only things i have a decent mass of items for are hibiki merchandises and sonico figures. i'd like to have more jojo items, but to quote gia gunn, "what you wanna do isn't necessarily what you're gonna do" and that certainly comes true for collecting... this month is especially rough for me because i couldn't resist a figure from one of my favorite artists of their character (nsfw) deathlock-san (nsfw) and its coming out right after christmas, so... i usually just get prize figures and nendoroids but i've been gradually expanding what i buy now that i have a job. i used to have rules to buy characters i knew/loved but ive since discarded that in favor of buying figures i like the look of because i came to realize looks have more longetivity than personal character attachment, the exception being favorite characters forever like hibiki, who i would buy absolutely anything of and have an ita bag, shrine to, and im working on a custom nendoroid of her. she exceeds collecting in importance, though. a new obsession of mine is kirishima eijirou from BNHA, so i suppose my next collecting quest once i get all my current preorders paid off is an ita bag of him.

its a huge hobby of mine because its one of few that has stuck over the many years while gaming and watching anime phases in and out, theres always something to hold my interest in figure collecting.
I remember collecting lots of stuff.

I remember collecting lots of Pokemon Plushies.

But me collecting stuff has gone downhill. I still collect stuff, but not as often as I did.

I recently got a Daisy Plush for Christmas. But I hardly fool with it. The person in my avatar and signature, there's an action figure of it, I love it so much I treat it like its a doll.

I know, its weird. For someone that is 20 years old....
The only figures I collect really are Amiibo figures, but even then, I limit which sets I collect (particularly collecting just the Zelda and Super Smash Bros. sets).

I have a whole bunch of Super Mario figurines, and I've been collecting amiibos lately too! I found a set of SMO figurines at GS recently and I was really hoping someone would buy them for me for Christmas, but I didn't get them </3
Guess I'll have to buy em soon

But yeah, figures are my favorite thing to collect. Cool to see other people who also like to collect them!
oh! i have bit of a collection, lots of persona 5 and monster hunter stuff recently


it's super messy since i've been running out of room for a while now ._.
i have a whole basket of pokemon figurines as well, my room is way too small

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Used to collect Amiibo figures and Pokemon plushies, but not anymore. Just too expensive right now for me to start collecting again.
Kind of? Not eagerly or anything, but when I find the ones I like while roaming around the magical shops, I most likely to buy it, unless it's extremely expensive. Majority of them are Soniko stuff - not very appropriate pics to upload here haha.
Here's a link to my MFC profile. In recent years, I've mostly collected figures of Levi from Attack on Titan.

Nice collection, I love the maskless Joker. :)
I don't collect them myself, but my partner asks if they should get them once in a while.
I'm more into collecting ball-jointed dolls myself.

Oh my gosh! I'd love to see pics of your BJDs! I only own two myself as I mostly collect Blythe dolls, but I'd love to get a few more someday. c:

Ahh I've been seeing those around a lot, they're very cute. :)
It's just one doll as of now and she's still in boxes as I'm moving soon, As I basically live in one room haha. She'll actually have room to be displayed then!
I think she's a regular Dollfie if I'm remembering correctly.

Can never have enough of them haha; I'm hoping to have the Nier dolls one day.
It's unfortunately a bit of a large investment. x.x
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Not regular figures per say-- but I like to collect amiibo figurines, specifically ones I like from a specific video game series. I have all of the amiibo figurines for Animal Crossing except the spring Isabelle outfit and the Smash 4 Toon Link amiibo figurine, along with the giant yarn Yoshi!

I don't have money to constantly collect them but if I see any I really like and they're cheap-ish I'll go and buy. Most of the animal crossing figurines I have were gifts and I have them displayed on a bookshelf in a neat order. I think it's pretty cool.
I collect anything I like, which can be figures, statues, plushes or dolls. Mostly, I love all kinds of dolls, though. But it is an expensive hobby and I haven't bought a doll for myself in many years. I still occasionally get one as a gift from my husband or family, though.

My husband is a hard-core collector of anime, comic, and video game figures. That is usually my go-to gift for him, but again it can get very expensive.
Yay, a collection thread!

I’ve always wanted to collect since I was a child, but didn’t have enough room or the income to do it. The furthest I got was collecting beanie babies back in the day.

Now, I collect Pok?mon trainer items (especially Misty and the BW trainers). I’ve started to branch out to getting some other Pok?mon merch here and there, but so far, I’m very happy with what I’ve got.

With my Misty collection, it’s always a joy because there’s so many obscure merch of her that was never recorded so it excites me whenever I find something I’ve never seen before. Most of her merch came out when the Internet was just starting, but has gotten a bunch of new merch in recent years. It’s music to my ears!

As for my BW Trainers collection, it’s been so much fun to try to get their merch! I absolutely loved the games and manga, so I knew it was meant to be to collect them. Gen 5 was responsible for trainer merch to soar and since then, we’ve gotten so much trainer merch!

Here’s my collection website. I have almost everything listed down. I haven’t gotten a chance to take a picture of everything I have in 1 picture (it’s impossible in my case), but I have some smaller group photos to give you all a better idea. I’m pretty hardcore on my collecting, so a lot of this stuff is in storage until I can afford a bigger place to display them all in their glory. :)

- A small part of my Misty collection
- Part of my BW Trainers collection

Ahh I've been seeing those around a lot, they're very cute. :)
It's just one doll as of now and she's still in boxes as I'm moving soon, I basically live in one room as of now haha. She'll actually have room to be displayed then!
I think she's a regular Dollfie if I'm remembering correctly.

Can never have enough of them haha; I'm hoping to have the Nier dolls one day.
It's unfortunately a bit of a large investment. x.x

Oh, I bet you're excited to display her once you're done moving. c:

The Nier dolls are super nice! I've never played the game myself, but the dolls' outfits look really detailed and well-made!
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Not really. I do have two 1/8 and 1/7 figures of Noire and Black Heart (HDN) respectively but I don't collect them since they are expensive and I don't really care for that series much nowadays.

And I have an Isabelle amiibo that I got with a game I guess lol.