Oddly enough I didn't like the colours and textures when I first saw the trailer but then a few months after I went back and rewatched it and now I like it? I don't know why but no I do actually really enjoy the look of the game.
Kinda feels the same.I feel like it's not really the color that bothers me, rather the lack of texture. I'm used to playing Animal Crossing on the Gamecube so when I look at this newer game it looks overly smooth and it kinda bothers me.
As long as we can adjust the settings! I can't play when things are too bright! Sometimes I find my 3DS screen is too bright on brightness setting [1]!!!
I think you're right about the over exposure too! I know we're on an island now but even Kapp'n's island wasn't this bright!
Also yes I prefer it to be more on the pastel side, I'm not afraid of bold colours but my eyes are ガ-(|||oロo)|||-ン