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Anyone else ever regretted starting a project?


Senior Member
Jun 29, 2020
Sautéed Mushrooms
After finally getting the wooden chest recipe I decided to redo my main room so that the furniture would match more, thinking it would look a lot better. Unfortunately after using many customisation kits I realised I wasn't liking what I was doing and I couldn't get my room back to a state that I was happy with. A lot of this was because I couldn't see how the recoloured furniture would look in the room and because of the autosave I couldn't undo any of the colours, so I wasted a ton of customisation kits. Now I'm sad.

Anyone else relate?
I feel you, with the auto save thing. Auto save doesn't really interfere with my daily tasks or play but I knew this would be a big issue for me when landscaping or decorating. I've had to take a lot of before and after screen shots so I can replicate past builds if I didn't like what I was doing. It's tedious, and I rather just save at a certain point and reset to that if need be, but unfortunately this is what the game gave us :cautious: I don't even want to think about how many bells were wasted on customisation kits trying out different stall customisations for my market lol 😅
I feel you, with the auto save thing. Auto save doesn't really interfere with my daily tasks or play but I knew this would be a big issue for me when landscaping or decorating. I've had to take a lot of before and after screen shots so I can replicate past builds if I didn't like what I was doing. It's tedious, and I rather just save at a certain point and reset to that if need be, but unfortunately this is what the game gave us :cautious: I don't even want to think about how many bells were wasted on customisation kits trying out different stall customisations for my market lol 😅
The autosave never bothered me until I started doing projects where I quickly ruined things that took a lot of time or bells to redo. I kind of wish it only took 1 customisation kit to customise 1 thing because when I went back to buy them in bulk it was so many bells 😭
aww soz ab dis :c happened to me too.
i can't seem to find a good place for my house so it looks really bad and i've spent a ton of money moving it over the months -
I don't regret much on my island, but when you build an entire section of the island around a villager, you find it difficult move their house or swap them for anyone else. Marina and her beach-theme'd house area will never leave, and I made the entire zen district around Pekoe. You just end up becoming inflexible.
Mine was probably the very first relocation I did of my house. My initial placement turned out to be really great. I had a lot of room, and I decorated it with a nice patio and a garden. But then I thought it would be cool to try put it up high on a second level. The problem was I was way too far from Nick’s cranny and the able sisters etc. I also didn’t allow myself enough space so everything ended up being cramped. I have since moved my home back closer to the center of town, but it’s just not the same.
Yes. Entirely. 100%.

I'm redoing my entire island to make it spooky. I've got way too many colorful happy flowers, as well as paths that were quite bright. Now I'm trying to make my island black and goth with accents of orange, black, white, purple, and green.
Almost everything I've attempted because it's all trial and error. 😂 😭

When I commit to the project, there's always that halfway point where I'm like oh god what have I done? But I like problem solving, so it'll work out in the end even if I'm hating the work in progress, lol.
I don't necessarily regret starting a project, but sometimes I have this image in my head about how I am going to build/do something and it looks really cool in my head, but when I actually start to terraform or test it out with the furniture it does not look that good, so I end up taking it down which can take a little bit of time. I also have another issue where I am a very picky person/perfectionist with making something, so I will have to screenshot the different ways I do something then decide which one I like best. It's not really an issue, it just take some time as i'm picky enough that the item(s) in question could be the single furniture piece, the placement of it, a certain way to terraform, etc.
Sometimes! My decorating style is entirely experimental so I'm often moving things around or tearing things apart. I have a lot of item dumps around my island right now in hopes that they'll fit in somewhere.

It's not until way after the auto save kicks in that I realize I'm regretting what I've been trying to build/change and have to spend a lot of time trying to reverse it. Thankfully interiors are on a much smaller scale. :)
I did on a few bridges and inclines and also when I had an old island layout planned in the game.
I feel you, with the auto save thing. Auto save doesn't really interfere with my daily tasks or play but I knew this would be a big issue for me when landscaping or decorating. I've had to take a lot of before and after screen shots so I can replicate past builds if I didn't like what I was doing. It's tedious, and I rather just save at a certain point and reset to that if need be, but unfortunately this is what the game gave us :cautious: I don't even want to think about how many bells were wasted on customisation kits trying out different stall customisations for my market lol 😅

I think that the auto save feature should be optional in the game, like you I'd rather just save at a certain point especially when decorating/terraforming.

At the moment, I'm redecorating a large portion of my island and its beginning to feel very tedious and I've come to a point now where I feel put off by it. Haven't bothered to play for a while because of it. I think there will always be a moment of regret at some stage though, particularly with slow progress.
Yeah I feel you about the autosave thing. Sometimes on my island I want to try drastically changing something to see how it looks but I am always afraid I'll hate it and then have to redo everything all over again, so whenever I decide to take on big projects I always take a bunch of detailed screen shots in case I want to reverse what I did.

I am currently in the process of redoing a large section of my island and while I am happy with most of it, there are two areas I kind of regret taking apart, and so I'm still trying to figure out what to do now lol.
I regretted a lot of my terraforming when I found out you can only have 8 inclines.

Now I usually ponder for a few days, trying to visualise what I want to change about an area, before I actually start terraforming. Even then I'm scared of hating the outcome. But since everything is reversible, I've just accepted it. With all the new fish and bugs already caught, there's not much for me to do at the moment anyways.
I've spent so much time redoing areas, then switching them back to what they originally were. I recently decided that my entrance was boring. I've seen so many fancy ones. After an hour of trying to make it gorgeous, I realized it was prettier before. I ended up changing it back.