🗻 A Year on Tansan

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New Horizons
Island/Town Name
Native Fruit
Native Flower

dizzy bone

Dec 20, 2013
Mystery Sweetheart Letter
Purple Balloon
Green Balloon
Orange Balloon
Light Blue Balloon
Red Balloon
Glam Feather
Cool Feather
Rad Feather
Fresh Feather

Island Info

created march 20, 2020

villagers scoot, ursala, jambette, tabby, maddie, hamphrey, dizzy, cyd, ken, and tasha

past villagers bianca, quillson, freya, erik

residents jules (island rep) and ale

past journals here, and here.
A Year On Tansan

For the first time since launch 3+ years ago, Tansan is the closest to “complete” it has ever been. To celebrate this milestone, I decided to start a new island journal with a loose 2024 1-year challenge dedicated to archiving Tansan in its entirety as well as play and post about every major holiday and birthday this year in a timely manner. For the most part, it will be similar to my past journals, but I hope to also add more drawings and doodles in my entries inspired by letters, conversations, and events that happen on the island.

I wanted to start this journal on Dec 21, my 10th year anniversary on TBT. But my entries will start Jan 1. This island journal is best viewed on a desktop! Enjoy & thank you for reading.

📸 Family photos at Photopia
🎂 Birthday Celebration
✏️ Drawings
📅 Event / Holiday
🗯️ Conversations
✉️ Letters

📸 New Years Party
✏️ New Years Eve & Day 31/12/23 - 01/01/24
✏️ Goodbye Erik - 02/01/24

✉️ Poqu's Inflatable Pillow - 06/01/24
📸🎂 Welcome & Happy Birthday Maddie - 11/01/24
✏️📅 Winter Fishing Tourney - 13/01/24
✏️🗯️ Trio of Troublemakers - 15/01/24
📸 🎂 Happy Birthday Ursala - 16/01/24
📸 Chinese New Year - 10/02/24
📅 🎂 Festivale / IKI's Birthday / Valentine's Day - 12-14/02/24
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Explore Tansan

This section will be edited as I cover the related areas - for the most part, this part will start in the spring when the snow melts! ❄️

LocationsHomesHappy Home Paradise
Beach Town West

Cyd's Garage
Tansan 포차 (tent bar)
PC 방 (internet cafe)
Post Office
Fruit Stall
Ursala's Flowers
Fortune Teller
분식집 (snackfood restaurant)
Dumpling house
Ceramics shop

Central Tansan

School & Record shop (Museum)
Jules' House
Waterstreet (cafe)
View of Tansan (mountain)
Villager district
Tasha's Laundromat

Countryside South-East

Tansan Grocer
Secondhand Books
Tansan 문구 (stationery store)
Pizzico (restaurant & studio)
Abandoned shack
Maddie's farm

Fishing Village North-East

Seafood shack
Grizzco HQ
Fishing village residents


Living room
Garden room


Private room
Studio bedroom
Art studio






Cafe "Mopple Cafe"
Restaurant "Freya's Fine Dining"
Apparel Shop "Island Living"
School "Art School"
Hospital "Tansan Hospital"

Holiday Homes

Dizzy & Jules' Holiday Home
Erik's Pumpkin Patch
Freya's Pro-Chef Kitchen
Hamphrey's Homestay
Ursala's Flower Nursery

Dream Address updated: March 31, 2024 @ 2PM - Bunny Day
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New Years Eve: Countdown 🎆

When when I told Isabelle that I’d be returning to Tansan “for a whole year”, she put on her party planning hat and announced that she was going to host the best Countdown Party Tansan had ever seen (after all, I wasn’t around to ring in 2023 with my fellow islanders). Hyped for the festivities, I invited my friends poqu & IKI over to watch the fireworks. I had left the house fairly early by my own standards, but I experienced something I never thought I would on Tansan: a traffic jam. Good thing I know the best spots on the island to sneak around the crowds!

notice poqu accidentally talked to Ken during the countdown and interrupted his ringing in the new year 😂😭


So many cars coming into the city... strange for an island of avid walkers and short legged animals.

poqu arrived on the island about 30 minutes before new years, so there was still time to see some of the festival booths set up in front of Resident Services. News must have spread quickly about the countdown extravaganza because the roads were completely backed up with cars.

This reminded me of a memory when I was a kid. My family drove down to the riverside to see the fireworks but we never made it because we got stuck on the road. We ended up ringing in the new year on the roof of our car. I think Tansan residents had the right idea because they were extra prepared with lawn chairs and drinks. We cracked a cold one before sneaking our way up to the front.


The booths in front of Resident Services included a carnival game to win some leftover Jingle workshop toys and a self-serve cream vendor! Something about eating ice cream in cold weather feels so satisfying. No melt, no mess! But the sweet sting of my mint lemon double scoop made me acutely aware that one of my new years resolutions needs to be visiting the dentist as soon as possible.

After checking out the booths, we joined my partying villagers for the long awaited countdown! Somehow Dodo airlines was still operational during the blinding fireworks display, so IKI was able to join us soon after for my personal tour of Tansan. Here's a compilation of my favorite firework flicks of the night:


1. Lakeview 2. The small wheatfield in the countryside now turned into a snowman display


3. Roof top of the abandoned shack overlooking the fishing village


4. A picnic spot by the outdoor gym


5. Rooftop of the grocer with the bakery and poqu's head in the background.



Happy New Year Everyone! Thank you @IKI and @poqu for joining me.


New Years Day 🍲

After the fireworks I went to bed almost immediately. I was actually looking forward to the morning after because I was excited to cook up one of my favorite traditional meals... tteokguk! It's a clear but flavorful rice cake soup with egg drop, garnished with scallion and egg jidan. It's so simple but so heartwarming. My boyfriend also cooked up like a billion dumplings. We had so much left over that we invited Erik to join us. I also saw him peeking in a couple times through the window.


Ok pictured above is "New Years Noodles" and songpyeon. But it was still a great meal. My boyfriend and I did make a yummy new years meal though! Tteokguk (rice cake soup), panfried dumplings (kimchi, pork, and chives filling), and a side dish of raddish cooked in dashi broth.

Goodbye Erik 🦌

Today we said goodbye to one of our longtime residents, lazy moose Erik. I know it’s so soon into the new year, but it was something that I prepared to do since last year to make room for a new villager. I delayed it because I wanted to celebrate the end of year festivities with Erik first, especially Christmas time.

Erik holds a special place in my heart and in Tansan’s history because he was one of our first five villagers alongside Ursala, Scoot, Jambette, and Tabby. He patiently witnessed multiple transformations to Tansan’s landscape (as well as his own backyard) from giant waterfalls and mushroom forests to flattened farmlands. He would eventually realize his passion for pumpkin farming and after 3 long years of hard work he finally earned enough bells to build his own holiday home on Paradise Island. Even though he is moving on from Tansan, thankfully he wont be very far or inconvenient to visit! I heard that he’s handing over his pumpkin patch and farmhouse on Tansan to a certain pup… maybe we’ll get to meet her soon.

In spoilers are photos of some the last few holiday festivities we celebrated with Erik before he left and photos of Erik over the years.

Christmas / Toy Day 2023
I was lucky to have Erik as my little helper this past Toy Day! I wanted to involve him as much as possible because it would be his last Toy Day on Tansan, also because he just looks like one of santa's helpers or Jingle's relative! Good thing he stayed in this Christmas so he was my moral support as I was making festive wrapping paper for Jingle.



It took no time for me to find the villagers who needed their gifts delivered to them. I saved Erik for last because I knew he was at home. As I was finishing up, Erik said he wanted to do a holiday gift exchange with me. To be honest, I didn't really have anything prepared other than the jingle workshop toys, so I suggested we have our own little exchange another day. Since he was planning on moving to Paradise Island, I decided to prepare a bunch of goodies for his new home, from cooking appliances to a handmade patchwork quilt sofa.


As for what Erik got me... well, he got me a pet dung beetle. He said he spent 2 whole days trying to catch one. I didn't have the heart to tell him that I'm not into keeping bugs in the house... so I waited until after the gift exchange to release it back to the wild. I appreciate the sentiment though!

Before we parted ways I had one last gift. A small photo album of his time in Tansan over the years. He arrived on Tansan as the happiest accident: my mistake of forgetting to island hop when I placed two plots down early game resulted in Erik & Tabby moving in at the same time randomly. Since then, his dorky smile has always given me so much joy. I'm so glad for HHP so I don't feel so bad about him moving away.

Below are some photos I found on my switch of Erik over the years. I will try to add more if I find them!

Erik's house over the years


Version 1: October 2020 In my first version of Tansan, Erik lived next to "Tansan falls", the nature zone of the island. He had a modest pumpkin farm which probably kickstarted his love for farming and gardening! As Tansan developed, the natural areas started to become less and less in favor for more curated parks and developed areas, but Erik always kept that farmers spirit.


Version 2: November 2020 Not long after the photos above, I decided to slowly turn Tansan into a rural small town. Because this was before the 2.0 update, I always tried my best to work around their initial house designs. Erik was always suited to some kind of nature or rural setting because of his exterior, which cemented his place in the "country side" part of Tansan's newer versions (central east). In this version, Erik's house was right above the neighborhood stationery store "Tansan mungu".



Version 3: Present 2023/24 Now Erik's house is still in the country side but this time surrounded by real farmland, taking full advantage of the wheatfields and different crops. However, I wanted to make sure Erik had his own plot of pumpkins so there was a call back to the first version. Just like when Freya moved out and Tasha moved into her plot, the new villager will also move into Erik's land (we already made sure she's a fan of pumpkin farming in advance). I also kept the same old "Tansan mungu" from version 2 in that same corner!

Erik's Room Redesign


Before this he had the starter house that looked like he lived in house made out of woodchips.

Now for some Random Photos


I want to go back either further to find photos of his earliest days on Tansan (he even had a phase when he lived in a "gnome town" with Tabby), but I need to dig through my computer files for that. I will update this spoiler if I get around to it.


For Erik’s send off, the whole Tansan family threw him a goodbye party at one of his favorite cafes. It was a little emotional for the five best friends who went through so much together, from terrible starter houses to the multiple relocations - they experienced it all together.

🧡 Seeya Erik, I will miss you very much 🧡


I usually take a break from island life in the winter. But with only 2 months left of the stubborn snow, I've decided to stick out the cold and try to enjoy it as much as possible. Thank you to @poqu for sending me an inflatable couch in the mail today. No matter the season, there's always time to enjoy a picnic on the beach with a cooler full of freshly caught fish. The air is crisp but the sun is out with full force today ☀️



Return of the Perfect Snowboy? ☃️

There’s one thing I’ve always dreaded about winter on Tansan… the taunts of lonely snowballs that somehow found themselves in the middle of a dirt road. Tansan’s infrastructure is set up so almost every inch of land is paved and pathed. Even with heavy snowfall, the clean up service is swift and immediate (besides, we have our tiny senior Hamphrey to consider). The roads have made the appearance of snowballs the bane of my wintery existence. I try to ignore them and move along with my day, but it’s as if their helpless souls are screaming at me to kick them against a wall and release them of their suffering. That’s why today was a special day. Normally I wouldn’t write a journal entry about something as mundane as making a snow man, but today two perfectly round snowballs appeared together on the only patch of snow on the whole island - an area that I had set up for a sad excuse for an "ice sculpture display". It was destiny.

So… did the snow boy make a dramatic return to Tansan or did I smash a snowball into the fence under pressure?

It was hard to gauge what the proper size was supposed to be after not making snow men for so long. But I went with my gut...


Success! To be honest, I think his head is a big too big for his body but what do I know.


Even though snow boy will melt in a few days, at least he can... bring attention to the ice sculpture exhibition with his creepy smile and soulless eyes. Look, he even gave me the recipe to create his son!


Here's a zoomed out picture of the little modified ice sculpture exhibition. Any closer to the pharmacy and I think he would scare away residents coming to pick up their medication...


Welcome back to life Snowboy.

In other news, I got word from Erik that he has safely moved into his holiday home on Paradise Island and that we should visit him soon. I walked by his old place and noticed that his humble home’s roof and door was given a repaint to a creme and soft pink. There was a distinct smell of corn chips... I wonder who moved in?


Welcome & Happy Birthday Maddie 🎂

Today we officially welcomed Maddie to our island family! She moved in on the 7th, but we wanted to give her some time to settle in and get her paws dirty first before Dizzy scared her off with his bug friends. It was a day full of parties because her official welcome party also coincided with her birthday! We’re not cheap here on Tansan so we were able to throw her two separate parties. I’m so excited to finally have this bean pup around after many months of planning for it. More photos and a short explanation of what Maddie means to me in the spoilers.

Lol please note how off-beat Tabby and Maddie are


Of course, I had to start off the day by visiting Maddie at home where she was celebrating her birthday with her first island friend... Hamphrey?! I wouldn't have thought that the two would hit it off so soon with how different their personalities are.

For Maddie’s welcome party we decided to check out the ice bar before the season is over. Cyd and Ursala put their heads together and made us some specialty drinks with their experience working as bartenders (actually they are just the tallest of my villagers lol) Maddie had to resist licking the whole thing - I forgot that ice cubes are a fan favorite with the pups.

Afterwards we went right on over to the next event, Maddie's birthday party! The Tansan family put their purses together to rent out the aquarium for the night! We had some birthday cake surrounded by the fishes.


Before the night ended, @poqu also came over to meet the new pup and give her a gift. Poqu wore a white knitted hat to the party, which Maddie must have taken as inspiration for her own party favor: "let's take that white knitted hat but instead make it poop." There were a lot of parties and icebreakers going on today (no pun intended). I think Maddie will fit right in on Tansan!


Ending with more of a personal note on why I wanted to invite Maddie over: I don’t generally invite villagers based on people or pets I know IRL, but Maddie’s resemblance to my beagle Louie was just too uncanny that I had to do it! My Louie is old now, but still so playful and cheeky. So Maddie having the “play” personality (which is my favorite) was too cute to pass up. I’m glad to know that I will always have a little piece of Louie on my island. I also have a cat (named “Ah-Meow”) and they are also best friends (and twins) with Louie in real life. I couldn’t settle on a cat that resembled her enough to replace any of my beloved villagers, so I’m glad I at least have Tabby to somewhat be Maddie’s cat counterpart (Ahmeow is a tabico)! They are both peppy airheads so I guess that’s perfect!


Winter Fishing Tourney 🐟

Yesterday was the Winter Fishing Tourney! It was far too cold for me to participate for long, but I did get a nice haul and a few photos of my adorable villagers. I've always loved filling out the critterpedia, so above is my take on documenting some of the winter catch of the afternoon.

Hopefully I wont lose steam with the journal drawings, playing and journaling has been quite therapeutic for me recently.


My favourite photo of the day - I caught maddie manning the drinks hut on the beach! So nice of her to whip up refreshments for her yellow fishermen.


Here's Ursala served a suspicious looking drink... Are you sure that's not dish washing soap, Maddie?


Tasha struggling to find her fishing spot and Scoot looking more like he's more ready to deliver boxes than throw a line.

More cute pics of Maddie enjoying her second week on the island!


Me cheering Tabby on! Oops I think I scared away a fish.

Until next time!


Trio of Troublemakers :devilish:

I walked into Ursala's house today and noticed she was having a "meeting" with Maddie. On the table were folded pieces of paper with different sizes of circles drawn randomly on them. When I took a closer look I realized that this diabolical duo was plannig an exquisite-corpse style game to determine their next snowboy abomination. Before I could protest, Ursala somehow roped me into their plans. And so, the "trio of troublemakers" was born.




Happy Birthday Ursala! 🎂

So soon after our first birthday of 2024, we celebrated Ursala's birthday! Ursala was on the plane with me when I landed on Tansan, and I'm glad to see her make another trip around the sun! Today was extra special on her birthday because we observed a meteor shower! @poqu came over once again (a fan of the birthday celebrations) so we made a birthday wish for Ursala before going in to start the party. This year Tasha was the guest of honor! Afterwards, I took Ursala out to the newest Karaoke bar where she sang her heart out in front of friends and family. Happy birthday Ursala!



One of my favorite part of inviting friends over for birthdays is to see what ridiculous party favors they are gifted back. Ursala actually gave poqu some very cute glasses this time around!


Did you know that we have 3 singers on the island? Ursala, Tabby, and Cyd are all music hobbyists. So Ursala's birthday party at the new Karaoke bar was definitely appreciated by many! What's going on with Hamphrey and Tasha?

Happy Birthday Ursala! Looking forward to many more together!
February Festivities
February has been a busy month so far! After celebrating Chinese New Year we danced right into my favourite event, Festivale on the 12th! On the 13th was my dear friend IKI’s birthday, so I hosted a classic bunny-themed and extra salmon-run themed party for her on Tansan. Then right after that was Valentine’s Day! So here’s a post that covers some belated photos I took during the past few days!


Festivale 🌈

February 12th 2024

Festivale has always been one of my favourite events and a very welcome end to winter. I love seeing all my villagers dress up and dance around the island. Sometimes I completely forget about Pave because my villagers steal the spotlight. I had my work cut out for me as a photographer though: Apparently, I can only walk in slow-motion with my camera in pro-camera mode even though my villagers insist on randomly sprinting off to dance with fellow Festivale go-ers. Not to mention the unfortunate trees planted around resident services made me feel like a wild-life photographer hiding in the bushes. Anyways, click the spoilers for some flicks of the festivities!







Scoot danced so much both his tail feathers and outfit feathers were falling out

IKI’s Birthday 👯‍♀️🎂
February 13th 2024

Right after Festivale we celebrated my good friend @IKI's birthday party! Her spirit animal is a bunny so over the years having bunny themed birthday parties have become a mini-tradition dating back to when I lived in the town of Tinytree in New Leaf. So I wanted to take this opportunity to share some “IKI Day” celebrations @poqu and I had in the past as well. Happy Birthday IKI!



For this year's IKI celebrations I set up the beach for a catered dinner party! We didn't want to overeat because we had a special present waiting at the secret beach. With a rare sighting of Redd's Grizzco's boat headed straight for Sockeye Station, I was able to organize a birthday surprise - a private session of Eggstra Work!



I met IKI and poqu many years ago through Splatoon 2 so I was super happy to see Redd docked on her birthday!


Now onto some throwbacks, here's IKI's birthday "IKI DAY" back in 2021! The area pictured in the back polaroid was on the roof of Tansan's old "cake shop" behind Erik's old house location.


And here was her birthday cake and party set up!


Going even further back, here's the very first birthday party I threw! It was in my New Leaf town of Tinytree! Oh how I miss the simple aesthetics of our much beloved pixelated game. We didn't have much to work with, but somehow it felt like more. This may seem like a long time ago but it was actually in 2020 when I had the sudden urge to completely revamp my town right before ACNH came out lol.


A Birthday Bonk!


Valentine’s Day 💕
February 14th 2024

Finally, ever since I moved my partner’s avatar onto Tansan I definitely couldn’t pass up a cute Valentine’s Day photopia shoot with our characters! I wanted to recreate one of our first dates together almost a year and a half ago :D Happy Valentine's Day to my love!​

Happy Birthday Hamphrey 🎂

Happy Birthday to our old and tiny soul, Hamphrey! He may be classified as a grouch, but his whole existence warms the hearts of everyone on Tansan, enough to make the snow on Tansan melt. Back in January, Hamphrey was the friendly face to party with Maddie on her first birthday on Tansan. I was very touched to see that it was Maddie who came to Hamphrey's birthday this year, as if to solidify their alliance!

Sadly, @poqu couldn't continue her birthday streak and attend Hamphrey's birthday this time, so she sent him a birthday gift in the mail along with the cutest letter ever.
Finally, Ken suggested that the Tansan family get together to treat Hamphrey to one of his favourite past times: "Escaping rooms". We soon came to realize that this is not the "escape room" Hamphrey was talking about. Solving clues to get out of a cage was much different to what Hamphrey remembered from his youth of squeezing through hamster cages. Nevertheless, the gang had a great time solving the "Cryptic Key". Happy birthday Hamphrey!

🏖️ Happy 4th Anniversary Tansan! 🏝️

Real life stuff has kept me from playing these early Spring days, but I definitely could not miss out on posting a little something on Tansan and New Horizon's 4th Anniversary! Tansan and our little island family has experienced a lot these 4 years. I do want to dig deeper into the archives of Tansan's earliest days eventually, but for now, here's a few photos I compiled from my immediate switch's album that goes back a couple years! I hope everyone who still plays ACNH is still enjoying it as much as I am, even in 2024. Happy Anniversary!


One of my earlier masterpieces - Tabby's lone spot in "sea shell village" and her infamous poop rock, pictured here with @Pyoopi.


@poqu and @Peter supporting my busking ambitions.


Sometime in 2020 in a version I dubbed "Tansan 2.0" we had a railway system that cut through Tansan's thick mountains. The sparse and rocky terrain gave way for some interesting hiding places that the gnomes took great advantage of. Pictured here is @poqu and I after we gained access to the Gnome clubhouse hidden in the mountains by the railroad and museum.


A family photo of Tansan's "graduating class" of 2020. Graduating from what, you ask? Probably surviving the first wave of destruction.


My best friends IRL visited a couple of times in the 2020-21 period while we were still going through on-and-off COVID restrictions and could not meet up - I had moved countries and they were stuck in their homes too. We'd often meet up in the game and cry about the uncertainties of life lol. By summer and fall of 2021, Tansan had already gone through it's "big lake" treatment which essentially replaced the railroad tracks seen above. Even though it was created much later, I'd like to think that the mountain with the lighthouse is canonically "Tansan" (literally translated to Tan-mountain).


My house back when I lived near the Cyd and ran the auto repair shop with him by the beach and airport.


My room mate from college visited me and we jammed in my music room. We used to do exactly this when we lived together in our little apartment beneath the chinese restaurant.

I still want to add a few more photos but I may edit this post with them later or I may make a new post in the future with some earlier days!

Bunny Day
Tansan's Annual Egg Hunt


Today was Bunny Day! Those who follow along with this journal might know, but I am trying to play through every major holiday and birthday party celebrated on Tansan. I almost skipped this one accidentally because I didn't know that for the first time since 2016, Bunny Day was held this year in March instead of April! In order to make this year's bunny day a little more interesting than what I would normally do, I decided to hold my own annual Egg Hunt. Although it was a bit rushed since I only had one day to get it all organized, I was able to hide over 100 eggs and a few booby traps all over Tansan for the two eager contestants @Pyoopi and @poqu to fight it out for the most eggs found! Read on to find out who won! If anyone is interested in trying out the egg hunt themselves, I've updated my DA with the event and hidden eggs that I will keep up for a while.


First things first, introducing our first contestants! @Pyoopi and @poqu! Ahem... Originally I planned to have more people from the Staff team over, but I gave the wrong time due to my poor grasp on time zones. Hopefully I get to make a Part Two bunny day post if I'm able to organize another session with more people! Anyways, contestants were asked to wear their "wildest" bunny outfits. Pyoopi is known to being quite the bizarre fashionista and she did not fail to disappoint (or to flex her muscles). However, I wasn't quite ready for the nightmare baby fuel of Poqu's fit.


How to Play 🍳



The rules of the game is simple. The host starts the timer at 10-15 minutes and the contestants have to comb through the whole island, every nook and cranny, to find as many eggs as possible. You could technically grab quite a lot in less time, but I wanted to let the guests check explore as much as they can if they wanted to. They can only pick up eggs on the ground or on objects, not from trees, underground, or through fishing. Some eggs that are harder to find might gain you more eggs in one go, and others are hidden away behind booby traps. Some are just out in the open, like this one egg next to our public toilet.


Ready... Set... Go!

After explaining the rules, it was finally time to start. It was actually my first time using this timer item so I thought it was just a normal count down, but I guess they intended you use it for bugs/fish caught. Kinda made the IU too cluttered imo, but useful nonetheless.

I planted a few easy eggs around the start line, so it was funny to see poqu and Pyoopi run for the immediate egg in front of them. Pyoopi got that one and didn't drop speed. The two of them ran glued to each other until the first neighborhood, where they split up and the games began! I loved the pictures they sent me of them running headfirst into pitfalls to get the egg. Hee hee. I wanted the pitfall eggs to be worth the struggle, so those usually were worth a bit more if you're willing to waste the time.



When the timer finally went to 0:00 we all met up at the start line again. They put their eggs on the ground and I counted each type. Pyoopi's total was 38 while Poqu had a whooping 53 eggs! I knew Poqu was racking up some large numbers because she was constantly messaging our group chat to let us know she fell into yet another pitfall. I also saw her go for some sneaky eggs I hid behind my house that were worth a lot of eggs. Anyways, congratulations @poqu! Because this event was so rushed, I didn't really have a prize ready LOL. I even asked the winner to immortalize their win themselves on the bulletin board. The result was a hilarious declaration of coolness. Thanks for joining Pyoopi and Poqu!


Of course, I didn't want to forget photos of my villagers in their ridiculous egg costumes on Bunny Day. I didn't take a whole lot since I only got to play an hour of my main event, but the Bunny Day clothes always crack me up. This year the best dressed villager who came out to celebrate was definitely Cyd. I was taking some close up photos of Pyoopi and I when he walked across the frame. Cyd the grumpy old man really decided to wake up this morning in dress himself in a bright yellow egg shell.


Last but not least, here's my personal favourite part of the day: the post-egg hunt group stretch! I actually never knew you could do this with multiple people so I thought it was a super cute experience, especially getting the special characters like Zipper to get their workout in. I'm going to have to remember to do this with other event characters (super bummed I missed out on Pave's butt shaking). Above you can see that the fringes on her cowboy boots were tickling her knees so she had to swat them away mid stretch.

Thanks again for visiting guys and congrats poqu!


Happy Birthday Cyd! 🎂

It was Cyd's birthday today, the coolest elephant in town! Cyd's birthday guest this year was the only other cranky on the island, Hamphrey! @poqu also visited to fulfill her quest of receiving as many party favors from birthdays as possible. Cyd thanked her by giving her a tank top, which she proceeded to try on, on the spot. She forgot that she initially wore a dress to the party and accidentally flashed everyone her underwear. Cyd helped throw my birthday party last month, so it was only appropriate to throw Cyd a surprise party too. After his day celebrations, we went to the local bar and organized a surprise Trivia Night with Ursala spinning the tracks! Well, groups of 3 villagers decided to participate... while the rest of us dumber ones danced the night away. Click the spoiler for more pics of Cyd's party!


What will Cyd gift her?

Poqu's party favor from Cyd's birthday was a Tiktok tank top!

Poqu showing off her gift(s).

Hanging out at the party with the cranky boys!
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