• The Bell Tree Fair 2024's closing ceremony is finally here! Event results, TBTer drawings, collectible reveal, quiz answers, art, stories, raffles, and more. You can find the six-part thread in the Bulletin Board! Thank you, everyone, for making our TBT birthday celebration so special!

Anyone else having problems with multiplayer?


Senior Member
May 5, 2013
Throwback Tickets
I'll have people over my town or go over other people's towns and everything is perfectly fine, there's no lag or anything. And then all of a sudden it crashes and people get sent back to their own town! And it's not even when people first come over. This happens when people have been over for a good 20-30 minutes. Is anyone else having this problem? Or is it just sucky internet?
Never happened to me. But I experienced a lag a couple times. It always occur when I perform an action, I'll freeze for about 3-4 seconds and then back to normal.
I'll have people over my town or go over other people's towns and everything is perfectly fine, there's no lag or anything. And then all of a sudden it crashes and people get sent back to their own town! And it's not even when people first come over. This happens when people have been over for a good 20-30 minutes. Is anyone else having this problem? Or is it just sucky internet?

Didn't have any problem over the internet. Local play works really well for me. Must be your router or connection speed. Remember that wireless systems tend to drop out. Before accusing the internet, I'd check the router first and diagnose starting there.
I had this problem visiting a JP player's town with a few other people. But once it was just the JP player and I on their island we were fine.
It's not you, all of my friends are having the same problem.
My problem is that I have no clue how to get into a multiplayer game. I know that you have to go through the train station, but whenever I do, it ends up saying these towns are available and the list is empty. Can I not just go into a random town?
Yeah only if your friends have their gates open, would it show up on the list. The only way to go into random towns is to go via dream towns. :<
Yeah only if your friends have their gates open, would it show up on the list. The only way to go into random towns is to go via dream towns. :<

Thank you. That cleared it up for me. I don't have the dream town thing unlocked yet, so I guess I'll have to wait. Now if only my friends would open their gates, I need new fruit! I'm tired of all these pears!
On the second day of NL, Katie was in my town, so I brought her to my friends town and it just disconnected. I did the same with my other friends town and it disconnected. My wifi is perfectly fine. I don't know what happened though, so I didn't get an item from her. :/
I can't visit my bf when we want to play over the internet. We can open our gates, but when we want zo visit each other we get a error :(
I've been having this problem for a while now. The weird thing though is I played with my brother for over a hour prior to the Error Messages popping up....
Had this problem a few times yesterday. One of those time I brought Katie to a friends town and then a few min later I caught a coelacanth, next thing after 10 min we get disconnected yet both of our internet was fine. Lost my coelacanth in till I got another one too T_T
Good to know I'm not the only one with this disconnecting problem. It was playing fine yesterday afternoon and began to disconnect every 10-20 minutes later in the evening. I thought it was my internet connection since it was raining in my area; looks like it's not? Strange.
I hear it can be an issue between people who have a physical copy of the game and those who have it digitally. I have a friend who has it physically and I have the bundle so digital and we. Cn see each others towns are open but when we try to visit we get an error.
It's also an issue between two physical copies and two digital copies.... :confused: :rolleyes: Go figure.
had this happen several times. where it just crashes, shows a pic of Resetti, and then shoves you back into your town with the stuff you had at the last save point.hasn't really been a problem until tonight's incident. I was at a friend's town, and we went to the island. me, being my dumb self, put only some of my stuff into my locker and forgot to unload my tools, wetsuit, and about 200 k or more in bells there too, so right before we got into the boat I went off to the side and dropped those things. we went to the island, came back with some beetles and stuff, and it saved, and we sold that junk and I got an extra 100 k. picked up my tools and money and wetsuit and was about to leave when it did this. now my 100 k from selling is gone and my important tools, wetsuit, and a crap ton of cash (which I am upset about wayyy more than the 100 k) are stuck at a friend's beach who has not had their gate open since the incident a little while ago. :/ I have the worst of luck. Dunno why it happened.

LE ANN (your New Leaf name) from the town I cannot remember its name, but I know you had Rocky the squirrel, please open your gate and lemme save my stuff DX lol
I've had issues two times with wifi where the other people got sent home but the game was still saved (before I went to anyone's town) but today I was in my boyfriend's town and my game had a different error and completely turned off and I had to open it up again and Resetti was there! I hope this is not a regular thing! :/ happen to anyone else?