Anyone else overwhelmed?

i’m with you. i have no idea exactly how i’m going to landscape my town and how i’m going to terraform, if i’m even going to terraform but the whole thing is a bit overwhelming aha
I totally feel you! while this game is incredible, it’s so incredible that it feels like SO MUCH FREEDOM compared to the other games that it’s kind of a lot to take in haha
I'm always overwhelmed...
I was never able to get my town looking really good with paths and PWP placement in NL. I feel completely inadequate when it comes to my decorating skills. Some of the islands I'm seeing are already making me jealous.
A little bit because large-scale town-design was never my forte. I think I'm going to start with bridges and ramps, figure out some nice places for villager houses, and then fill-in stuff from there. Remember, if you change your mind, you can always move stuff!
the other day i went onto that island designer website, recreated my island looks like presently, and then sorta "terraformed" on there and put down the buildings how i want. it's way easier for me than just imagining it in my head. i'm mostly overwhelmed plopping down buildings knowing i'll definitely have to move them later and even with the town hall now unlocked i'm not gonna start building bridges, ramps, or start relocating until i have terraforming unlocked.
I've been obsessing over my island layout since the second I started playing. I time traveled to specifically unlock terraforming and was immediately overwhelmed, especially with housing placement as it'd cost so much to move every single building multiple times.

I have a general idea in my head but everything needs to be symmetrical and it's hard planning on such a large scale. I envy people who are good at landscaping and decorating in video games, I've always been terrible at it and can never decide what I want to do!

Having OCD does not help at all :(
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I’m glad I’m not the only one haha.
Right now I can’t even build my campsite because I have no idea where and like, what I wanna have my camp site area look like in general:0