• The Bell Tree Fair 2024's closing ceremony is finally here! Event results, TBTer drawings, collectible reveal, quiz answers, art, stories, raffles, and more. You can find the six-part thread in the Bulletin Board! Thank you, everyone, for making our TBT birthday celebration so special!

Anyone else time-traveling a ton...?

I time travel and I don't see the big deal about it.
Honestly, I've always hated how AC is based on real life time.
I wish it were more like Harvest Moon in the sense that it had it's own game time.
People have lives...we have jobs, school/college,friends/family, plus other hobbies other than video games.

A lot of people say time traveling takes the ~magic~ from AC, but to me it increases that ~magic~.
If I played the game based on real life days, I would get SO bored of waiting and missing out on events.
I won't time travel, and I'll always find a few minutes for animal crossing even when I'm busy. I don't mind people who do, but i could never do it haha. And IF i would miss special events I'm sure there are friends around who can help me out and get me stuff :3
I unfortunately ACCIDENTALLY time travelled several times. T-T Why can't the time just set automatically via spotpass or something? You see, I'm not used to 24-hour clocks, so when I set my clock on my 3DS at first, it was off by 12 hours. I didn't realize it until I went to start a new game on NF. It said "oh so it's 3am?" I was like WHAT, NO! so I just fixed it through there. Then, I got sick of my time on my 3DS being wrong by twelve hours so I fixed it, went onto NF and it just thought that I had time traveled to the future by twelve hours. Tried fixing it again, oh so now it's 5am the next day? no!!! Had to fix the date, but I just realized the date on my 3DS was the date that was wrong. I'm too stressed out to mess with it another time. ._.'
I like not time travelling because it makes it feel like the game is going on even when you're not there, it makes the world feel real lol. Knowing that, while I'm in class, any number of things could be happening in my town is just amazing. I love having something to look forward to every day that I play it. I used to time travel all the time in the DS one, I never did in the GC one though because it was much less convenient. Until NL, I always considered the GC version to be my favorite, and I think that had something to do with it. And NL has so much more stuff to do in the day, it's really fun for me. But for those who don't have the patience to wait that long, time travelling isn't something that they should be judged for. It's your playstyle, and it makes the game more fun for you, so more power to you.
I TT only when something is under construction(home upgrade, new shop) and im too excited to wait.
I'll turn the time back to the original date but the deed has already been done lol.
I do. Not much though. Only a few hours here and there. I can only play after I get home from work and don't want to miss too much in game time days. I simply write down the time I saved last then see what time it will be when I start. Its usually well over 12 hours before I get back to playing so I set the time back if I don't want that much time to pass.
I feel like I want to time travel to get a certain villager. However, I don't want to unlock everything. qq I actually want to anticipate that and stuff...

Time traveling is okay though! c: I don't hate people that do. I used to time travel a lot in city folk rofl.
My opinion- it's your game play it how you want. :)

In the past I've mostly used time travel when I missed a holiday or some such. For the most part I like to play day by day so I tend to leave it be.
I've been TTing, be my friend? :D Seriously, I feel ya. I've been doing it more than I thought I would, but there is so much to do I don't have any worries about me getting bored.
I time traveled because the anticipation leading up to this game was a long time, and i felt that after watching so much video, and looking at so much media on this game, it would take a week to make the game interesting. I also felt that getting the development permit was hard to get, it turns out it would have took me 3 day to get it, so i time traveled for a few things, like QR code machine, get the permit, and other things. As time went on, i started to feel bad. I felt like i should have waited, and now, I've spoiled it for me. I still love the game, but now i feel like i never should have done what i did.
I don't time travel. I would like to unlock a lot of the fun things, and maybe get money earlier in the game, but I also like the laid-back feel to it. I don't feel like I have to rush anything.
It's cool if you time travel, though. Have fun. : D
Oh yeah, in fact, I don't think I've ever time traveled so much right off the bat.

Spent about three years waiting for the game to come out, so I guess this is my way of making up for lost time, heh.
I am really fighting the urge to time travel, way back when in the original AC I always did, but I really want to play properly this time around.
I have a question for you guys! I TT'd to unlock the QR code machine, which I managed, but feeling guilty and weird that my date is way ahead, I TT'd back in time. The QR code machine is there, but it seems like Sable forgot that we've ever talked, thus, I have to talk to her all over again, which means I can't use the machine since you have to ask her to use the machine first. :( Was wondering if any of you TTers experience this? Do you think the game is glitched now, meaning after another 10 days, will the machine still be able to be unlocked?
I've been TTing, be my friend? :D Seriously, I feel ya. I've been doing it more than I thought I would, but there is so much to do I don't have any worries about me getting bored.

Sure, haha I'll be your friend! ;D But yeah, same with me. It doesn't worry me or anything, so I just feel like it'll help me enjoy the game more.

Oh yeah, in fact, I don't think I've ever time traveled so much right off the bat.

Spent about three years waiting for the game to come out, so I guess this is my way of making up for lost time, heh.

Exactly! I've waited long enough; now I'm ready to experience it.
I TT! I only jump like a day here and there if something exciting will happen. I usually always TT back to the actual date and time though. I actually love time traveling. :D
Same here. If I can keep myself occupied for hours on City Folk, I can definitely keep myself occupied even more on New Leaf!
I only TT once in WW, but I really don't like it. When I get NL Friday, I will go trough the days like it is irl,
I mean, Its ok if you TT if you like to uprade everything, that can always be handy for people who
dont TT so they can get there hair done ect.