Anyone find a Map that....

Rex of Elysium

Senior Member
Feb 11, 2020
You thought you REALLY liked, but realized just a few days in just how little room there was to put stuff without paying for extra bridges and inclines?

For me, my most recent town is like that. I played until I got to the first three houses and am resetting now for a better layout. I just couldn't find ANY room to put them. Sure there are SOME places but those were the places I picked out for my extra characters. So overall, then issue of the island still remains.

Anyone else ever have this problem?
I realized my map was a little cramped when I showed up and tried to place my starting villager's houses. With terraforming as an option later on, I didn't feel like resetting though :) It was all fine once I got my vault and ladder anyway.
Not me! I did spend over 12 hours the first day researching and resetting, though. Once I learned what things you could change and what things were permanent, I just made sure I was pleased with the permanent aspects of the map. I'm toughing out the lack of space for a few more days until I unlock terraforming.