Anyone got some tips for my peninsula?


It's not a question of can or can't.
Dec 21, 2020
So I wanted to ask you if there is anyone who would have a good idea for my peninsula. Since I really don't know what to do about it. And I don't want to just decorate it with a lighthouse or something like that. Everyone does this so I would like something a little bit different.



Here are two screenshots of my peninsula. I have the second largest one and it is right next to my attempt at Oreburgh City from Diamond and Pearl. I already thought maybe I could place a rock there it would fit. But if anyone as other ideas who would go with my theme it would be cool. Also I want to still can pass the peninsula without going around it.
i did the lighthouse, and i was going to suggest it before i read your post xD heres some other ideas

ive seen people build a ramp on their peninsula to dive off of. that could be cool. or you could use a ramp and build a nice sea overlook

any kind of seating area would be nice i think

a pirate area could be cool too. i think the pirate cannon is fun to use, and theres many cool pirate items
You could make it a fort bunker where you got to go up a ramp to man the cannon and ward off any hostile ships.
My peninsula has a pagoda on it which I'm pretty sure is just as unoriginal as the lighthouse 😆

I don't know what your plans are for the near by beaches but I think your peninsula would look really good as a pool area. And you could also expand that idea on to the surrounding beach if you wanted to also include a seating area near the pool, or a changing area, etc.
I did a bit of homework. So Oreburgh is where you can get the coal badge and miners often go into the city?

What if you made it into a coal digsite area of sorts. I'm not real sure how to go about that just yet, but I'm picturing rocks, iron cause it looks like coal, resetti model, hand cart, shovel, gold nugget, etc. A custom sign and a hard hat and the stone henge would probably look good too.
Omg. I'm so jealous of the shape that your peninsula is in! Mine is kinda the opposite -- bigger near the land and smaller near the ocean. Regardless, what I did is I put my campsite on my peninsula! I put the tent area right next to the water, and then I put a little campfire near it and some cute other pieces of decor. I think it looks nice and if I were actually camping, I'd be very charmed by a location like that for sure.

Plus, yours is relatively close to the top still. So on that northernmost cluster of rocks, you could put a lighthouse, and it could probably be seen from the campsite (or the lights could be seen from it when they're going at night).

I like the other idea of putting a lighthouse on it too. It'd be cute especially because of the way that it branches out into the water! Those are just my two cents.
You could do a little waterfall coming down from your cliffs at the left, and make a little pond or something, and maybe put benches or a little seating area there with maybe a viewing telescope, kinda like a old English pier :D
Thank you all for so many replies <3
I really like most of the ideas. I think I will try to make a little waterfall there with the stonedge (never would have thought of that item ngl haha) and this umbrealls design is so pretty <3
i did the lighthouse, and i was going to suggest it before i read your post xD heres some other ideas

ive seen people build a ramp on their peninsula to dive off of. that could be cool. or you could use a ramp and build a nice sea overlook

any kind of seating area would be nice i think

a pirate area could be cool too. i think the pirate cannon is fun to use, and theres many cool pirate items
wait... you can dive off a cliff into the ocean?? omg I didn't know that - I need to try this

As for OP's question - I just shoved a lighthouse there lol - but I totally understand wanting to be more original than that

I definitely agree that Stonehenge would look really good there. I've also seen people make little "pottery corners" with pots/unglazed dish sets/clay furnace and seating, looks quite good. It's always a bit of a pain decorating certain areas - I always have grand plans then realise I can't fit everything in the way I want...