Anyone have fruit?

Its not working. For me its popping up:

Communication error. You have been disconnected from Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection. Try Again.

Lol i think its down again.
That's what come up for me also. Hopefully it'll be up laters.
Haha, Okay, Me neither.
But i have to go cos dinner.

It'll probly be working by the morning, Cos it was working in the morning todayy.
Double POST, sORRY.

It's working, I think. Stardust is in my town, He/she just arrived.
But brb dinnerr.
hey wats up im kinda new anyone wanna trade friend codes ill go to anyones town and u can come to mine just let me kno ^_^
tikiland13 said:
Hello all!
My wi-fi is finally working so I thought since my town isn't doing so well, I would ask you guys if you have any native fruit XD. Sounds selfish of me, I know. I'm willing to give away peaches, so if you don't have that fruit and want it, just tell me to bring it! So anyone have any fruit? Lol. :p (BTW: I follow any rules for your town)
Hey want my friend code? I have apples and pears.