Anyone have trouble finishing games?

I don't even remember where/what mission I'm on.

I let a friend borrow it, and he got to like the next to last mission. I heard that the last boss ain't *censored.2.0* but hoes and tricks, compared to the others, though. I can't beat that mission/most the ones he got to, lawl.
I don't think I even made it that far (where you're at), but not sure. think it was the one that kept multiplying, that ended up OHKO'ing my patient, lawl.

and yes, I know you aren't supposed to rush.. but I kept running out of time or something like that.
Oh god lemme think.

...the only game i've ever beat is super smash bros. brawl. what.

wait actually i've beat spore too. but still. two games. out of the 50+ that i own.
If I like a game I pretty much finish that to the end before starting a new one, so I usually am good with finishing games.

If I get bored with a game though, I usually don't follow through with finishing it.
Ron Ronaldo said:
I almost always switch from game to game, sometimes I'll stop playing a game right before I beat it. =< I call it videogame ADD.

But I usually beat most of them eventually.