Anyone here own both a nintendo switch & switch lite?


Jul 27, 2017
The Bell Tree Fair 2020 Patch
White Cosmos
New Horizons Token
Tasty Cake
Winter Mittens
I have the lite and I'm seriously considering getting the regular switch when it's restocked. I got my lite when all the reg switches were sold out (when quarantine first started!) and now I'm kind of regretting it because I have a nice TV that I wish I could dock my switch on. Playing long hours on the lite really causes some mild headaches/eye strain sometimes! If there is anyone out there that has both, why did you decide to get both and what other benefits have you noticed with having both switches?
Me. I got a Switch Lite specifically for New Horizons. And most likely just that.
I don't, but then again I prefer to be able to play on the TV and handheld so there's not really much of a reason for me to get a Switch Lite. I have a reg Switch and it's perfectly fine for me :)
No, I only have a Lite and I'm good that way. I play in like all kinds of places and don't need the Tv, really. And I don't really care for rhythm/other games requiring a regular ones. Luckily enough I haven't caught drift yet (knocks on wood) but I make sure to air spray it regularly.
I have both a switch and switch lite. I played the switch for most games, but the switch lite for Pokémon and Animal Crossing.
Me. I got a Switch Lite specifically for New Horizons. And most likely just that.
I have both a switch and switch lite. I played the switch for most games, but the switch lite for Pokémon and Animal Crossing.
Interesting! It seems a lot of people prefer to play ACNH on the switch lite. I definitely did too, but then I got to watch a friend of mine play ACNH on his TV and it really wowed me. The graphics are so good on the TV! Do you guys not experience eye strain playing ACNH on the lite for too long? I always find myself having to adjust the brightness level constantly when I'm playing.
I have both, prefer the Lite considering I don't play on the TV and the regular switch never felt right to me in handheld mode. I've personally never experienced any eye straining from playing New Horizons or any of the RPGs I play and I usually play until the low battery alert pops up.
I have both. My Switch OG is basically collecting dust at this point.
My only plans for it are once I move out and have a place just to myself, I'll like to have it hooked up with a TV or monitor to use it for some fun workout games.
I did get a pro controller for the Lite though (I know it kinda defeats the purpose) but I was starting to get scared about joycon drifting. I wish they released an AC-themed Switch Lite as well...
I have both...prefer my Lite since I played my OG Switch almost exclusively in handheld mode anyways.
I only have the regular switch and I even get eyestrain and headaches from using it too long while in handheld. Even though I have the og switch I exclusively use it for handheld and dock it when I have time since my dad watches TV. But yeah not only does new horizons looks beautiful on our 57' inch TV but all the games look good so far.
I have both, and I'm now grateful I do considering we can only have one island per Switch. I splurged and purchased a Switch Lite for the release of New Horizons. I figured that I used my Switch in handheld mode so often that having a smaller size console would also make it worth it. I never felt that the OG Switch was uncomfortable, but the Lite is just perfect.
I have the Switch regular, not the lite. However someone I know irl has the lite.

In terms of hand feel, the lite does feel better. I always found the Switch to be too clunky as a handheld, even thou I have yet to play NH on my TV yet. The buttons even feel different, mine are 'clicky' and make more noise compared to the lite.

In terms of eye strain and headaches, I still get headaches from playing too long, but on my TV I can play for about 9-10 hours before I call it quits because of a headache, compared to much less while I play in handheld mode. It prob doesn't help that I have bad eyesight. I have to wear my glasses while I play in TV mode, but in handheld I don't need and normally don't wear my glasses since I'm putting it much closer to my face.

I am considering buying lite so I can have a second town, and since I play NH in handheld mode so often already.

The only other thing to consider is that if you get a regular Switch, you can now play games that have motion control, example Go Vacation.
I'm not sure how worth it is to buy another one considering its already 3 years old and an upgrade might come out for it like with other consoles but if you have the disposable income then go ahead! it is extremely nice to play with rumble on the joycons and it is so nice playing on a T.V or monitor to play games on, it so much more comfortable! I recommend getting a pro controller to though as joycons can be unreliable in their quality, I've had a pair go out on me already due to joycon drift.
I have both.

If you want to be able to play on your TV then that is certainly a good reason to buy a second! I picked up a Switch in 2017, and then started thinking about buying a Lite late last year due to finding the regular one a bit too bulky while commuting and travelling.
We have two regular Switches. One which my sibling and I both went in on and then I bought one for myself that was the updated, newer model with better battery life. Haven't had any complaints with battery. It lasts a long time in portable mode. The Lite has a lot of downsides aside from just not having TV capabilities so I would never get one for myself.
I have the lite and I'm seriously considering getting the regular switch when it's restocked. I got my lite when all the reg switches were sold out (when quarantine first started!) and now I'm kind of regretting it because I have a nice TV that I wish I could dock my switch on. Playing long hours on the lite really causes some mild headaches/eye strain sometimes! If there is anyone out there that has both, why did you decide to get both and what other benefits have you noticed with having both switches?
i did the same thing lmao all the regular switches were sold out so i went and bought a lite (best decision of the year) but i also have a great tv and my sister and dad and mom all day i should’ve waited 😔:/ my half brother has a regular switch he got for christmas and he lets me play on it a lot when we go to my dads and honestly i prefer his to play on it’s a lot more fun and playing on a tv is great i will also most likely sell mine and buy a regular one once they are all restocked so yeah :/
I own both, and my preference is the Switch, though getting the sleeve with the hand-holds helped immensely. The screen is definitely better on the Switch, and being able to hook to tv, or even using a pro controller and just propping the small screen is incredibly handy. I only use the Lite for ACNH, but I do SO MUCH on the regular Switch.
I have both mainly because some game genres,like first person shooters,are better with a standard controller and a large screen.The Lite is very good for what it is,though.It can do almost everything the regular Switch can do and I think it's the best handheld I've ever played.It's perfect for slower paced games like Animal Crossing.
I have both.

I won a yellow switch lite at my work holiday party in 2019. It was perfect because my friend lent me his switch to play BOTW over thanksgiving and the day after the holiday party I was supposed to return it (and then not get to play Zelda anymore).

(Side story, I was actually partly in charge of the holiday party, and I made about 200 jokes about rigging the raffle in my favor for the switch. I promise i didnt rig it, but many people joked about it)

But i knew i wanted to be able to play on the TV. So when they announced the AC switch and I saw how beautiful it was, I had my boyfriend preorder it as soon as he got home - I was worried it would sell out while I was working a 16 hour day.

Now I have my island on the AC switch and my BF has his island on the lite.
I really really like the coral Switch Lite, but when it was announced I had already preordered the NH edition, and I also like being able to play docked if I want. I don't really need another Switch, anyway, so I just have the one. Tbh I'm not sure that will ever really change, unless they release a special edition that I just have to have, but I think that was the NH edition for me haha.